Until tomorrow

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"You can't be serious..."

"Take it."

"Come on, Stevie!"

"Take it, will you?" She was holding an overnight bag for him.

"We have a son and you're pregnant, why would we start being a traditional family now? And don't even think about wearing a white dress tomorrow. You're anything but innocent!" She laughed, it sounding husky and he couldn't believe she was making him part with it for the night before their wedding. "Where am I supposed to stay?"

"I don't know, hotel maybe?"

"You're mad."

"And starting tomorrow, you'll be calling me your wife too!"

He sighed, signaling his defeat and took the bag from her. "Despite that you're throwing me out, I still love you."

"I love you, too."

"Until tomorrow, baby." Lindsey put his arm around her and gave her a kiss, before leaving the house.

Stevie locked the door and took a few deep breath. Tomorrow was the day she had waited for since she was seventeen years old, smitten with a blue eyed boy.


The next morning Stevie woke up as early as never before, mostly because she had been restless the whole night without Lindsey sleeping next to her and because she was also very excited and nervous at the same time. They had loved each other since the moment they had laid eyes on each other, but it took them years and too much heartbreak to get where they were today. She was going to put all of that aside, not think about the past and enjoy the present. Whatever it was that the future held for them, together they would make it through everything.

Stevie was standing by the end of the bed, on which her beautiful custom made gown laid. She was supposed to start getting ready. Hours were left before the ceremony, but her hair would take up the majority of that time and she still needed make up. Stevie's mother, Lori and Sharon were all the house, to help her be beautiful for her wedding as well as look after Aaron. 

She was standing in nothing but her silk robe, chewing on her bottom lip, because if she didn't, she would be with a grin across her face the whole time. She was getting married. To Lindsey. That was definitely something to smile about. Barbara did too, seeing her daughter's reflection in the mirror, while holding her nine month old grandson, who had no idea what was going on.

"Are you going to be just staring at that dress or you're going to finally fit yourself into it?"

Stevie looked over her shoulder, only now noticing her mother in the doorway. "Margi did a wonderful job."

"Doesn't she always?" 

"I'm so thankful for her, because Sharon and I spent hours walking around every store, finding nothing."

"Well, maybe it was because you had something entirely else on your mind?" Sharon and Lori came in to the bedroom as well.

"Yeah, yeah..." Stevie rolled her eyes, having heard enough about that particular day. "You'll have to help me get into this." She showed at the dress, suddenly getting worried. "It looks too small."

"Haven't you had Margi measure you?"

"Of course I did, but... she did that about a month ago."

"What could have changed in a month?" Lori asked, with a raise of her eyebrow.

"Well... I might, umm.... you know... I'm uhh..."

"When have you ever been lost for words?"

"I'm over twelve weeks pregnant."

"I hope it's Lindsey's."


The other three women laughed, while Stevie's cheecks went bright red. "I'm kidding!"

"I just told you that you're going to have another grandchild and that is your response?" 

"I'm sorry." 

Stevie gave in, also joining in the laughter. "I can't really be mad about it, can I?"

"Besides, I knew already." Barbara smiled, giving Stevie's hand a squeeze as they sat down together. 


"You were just as beautiful and glowing, when you were carrying Aaron, sweetheart. It wasn't that hard to figure it out. And of course, you've had your hand on your belly the whole time since we've arrived, so..."

"Oh... I'm not good with secrets, am I?"

"You shouldn't be keeping this a secret. Look at him." Barbara pressed a kiss to Aaron's hair. "You have one of those growing inside of you. You can't keep your beautiful babies away from the world."

"I hope it's a girl."

"It doesn't matter, you'll love them just as much."

"You're right, of course I will. But it would be fun to have a mini me. I doubt Lindsey is going to let me dress up Aaron..." 

"He better not!" Sharon looked more like asking, what the hell is wrong with you?

"Not to ruin the moment, but we seriously have to get a move on, girls." Lori started taking out the make up and everything else they would need.

Almost four hours later, Lindsey was standing at the altar, again, only this time he didn't feel like he was making the biggest mistake of his life. The guest had all gathered and were seated and he was waiting anxiously. It had been over twenty four hours since he last saw Stevie and she was pushing him out the door and all he had to go through the whole night with was one simple kiss. Just like she, Lindsey had a horrible night. It only told him that this was right, this was what had to happen a very long time ago. 

Relief washed over him once he saw a tiny glimpse of her, coming from around the corner. He knew he was grinning like a fool, but he didn't care about it. He was about to marry the woman he had loved his whole life, more importantly, the mother of his child, children very soon.

It seemed to had taken forever until she finally approached him, stopping by his side. She had never looked more beautiful to him, although that was what he had always been telling her and every single time she believed him. 

He put his arm around her back and gave her a quick peck on the lips. "I don't think you're supposed to do that..."

"I'm not like other people, I do what I want to."

"God... and I'm willingly about to commit to you for the rest of my life."

Their playful exchange was interrupted by the minister in front of them and the pair of them tried to settle down, feeling like two kids, being scolded by an elder person for running on their lawn. 

The only part they heard and cared for was when they had to say I Do. Now being officially allowed to kiss his bride, Lindsey did that with all the love he held for Stevie. She even had to bend back, making their guests laugh, cheer and some of them also whistled. Everyone stood up, clapping, smiles never once leaving their faces as the newly pronounced Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham,  hand in hand, made their way out of the church and towards their new life together as a family.



Thank you everyone for reading, voting and commenting! I loved writing it. This was my first story without drama and lots of arguments or anything like that and I hope you weren't falling asleep while reading it :) Thanks again!

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