Everything is fine

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"November 12th is fast approaching, Stevie."

"It's almost two months away."

Stevie had asked Sharon to go with her in search for the wedding gown, just that she wasn't at all looking at anything and they had already visited a number of stores. Sharon knew something was up, but she decided to give her friend some more time, maybe she'll open up on her own terms. 

"This one is really beautiful." 

"I guess." Stevie touched the dress to have a better look at it. 

A consultant walked up to them with a bright smile one her face. "May I help you?"

"She would like to try this on." Sharon said, receiving a glare from Stevie.

"Of course." Emma, that was the name on the card, looked at Stevie. "You're very small... Give me a second, I'll run to search for something more that would be your size."

"We'll wait right here."

The consultant went away and Stevie turned to Sharon, hissing. "I can speak for myself, you know!"

"But you're not doing that. I don't have the time to just stand in one spot and pretend to be looking for the perfect gown for your wedding, where you'll be marrying the love your life! I thought you would be at least a little bit excited."

"I am."

"Has the way of expressing your excitement changed?"

Like promised, Emma returned with the right size of the dress in a couple of minutes. "I think this should fit you. Right this way." She showed with her hand to where Stevie could try it on.

Sharon was standing outside, checking her watch, sighing and rolling her eyes. "Everything alright in there?" 

"See for yourself." 

She pulled the curtain a little aside. "Stevie!" She hadn't even taken the dress off the hanger.

"I'm not in the mood."

"Then why are we here? You still have some time left." 

"Well, how did it look?" Emma showed up again. 

"We're just trying different things on, we're in no rush." Sharon smiled apologetically and ushered Stevie out. "Thank you."

"No problem!"

They left yet another store, both knowing they won't be entering more again today. "I think you should buy me lunch."

"Sure." Stevie shrugged her shoulders. "I'll call Margi, she'll design something for me." She said matter of factly as they walked to a nearby place to eat. 

"You should, because what we've been doing today was totally pointless."

"Wasn't it? I know I wasn't really paying attention, but nothing stood out to me either."

"No, you're right."

"I'm sorry I dragged you around town for half a day!"

"It's okay, we're friends, that's why we have each other."

They entered the restaurant and were escorted to a corner, more or less away from other people. The food was being eaten in silence, which Sharon had had enough of, it was obvious Stevie was not going to say what was on her mind.

"So, what's going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"Stevie, we've known each other for how many years? I doubt Lindsey can read you as well as I or Lori can. Why don't you just tell me what's the problem?"

"Everything is fine, Sharon."

"It isn't and it will be better if you tell me what's going on. I can tell you're upset over something. Did you and Lindsey get into a fight?"


"Well, is it about Aaron?"


"Your music?"


"It has to be about Lindsey then."

"That is correct."

"You just told me it had nothing to do with him."

"I said, no, we didn't have an argument, but..."

"Go on. You can trust me that this will stay between the two of us."

Stevie sighed and sat back. "Lindsey has been dropping hints lately."

"If it's about the kinky ways you two have sex, then I don't want to hear it."

"No, don't be ridiculous. We're too old for that." She was getting agitated and it was obvious in the tone of her voice. "I'm almost sure he wants to have another baby."

"That's it? That's all the reason why you've been a pain in the ass?"

"How is that not enough?"

"You don't want it?"

"It's not about wanting, Sharon. It's about whether I can or can't."

"I swear we've had this conversation already before Aaron."

"Forget it. I shouldn't have brought this up."

"No. Come on, Stevie. I'm sorry, continue."

"I don't feel like doing that. I just want to get home."

Lunch finished with that and Stevie was unlocking the front door of her house in an hour. The rest of the day went similarly. She was home, but she wasn't very present. Lindsey noticed it as well, again thinking if he should ask or go along with it, pretending things were just fine. 

Later that same evening, Stevie came downstairs, but only for a minute. "I put Aaron to bed, I think I'll go rest too."

"Long day?"

"Not so much as that, just..."

"What is it, Stevie? I know you have something going on in your head."

"I'm fine, really." 

"Are you?"

"I said so, didn't I?"

"Well, okay. If you mean it." 

He decided to join her as well and they made their way to the bedroom, not before checking on Aaron, who was sleeping like the little angel that he was. 

Lindsey was almost ready for bed, while Stevie was still in the bathroom. He went in there, wanting to see what was taking her so long, finding her just standing there. He approached her from behind, carefully not to startle her. Putting his hands on her shoulders, he also pressed a kiss to the back of her head.

"You're tense."

"And that feels really good." She instantly relaxed in his touch, leaning her head on him. 

Coming in, he had no intentions, but as she gave him access to the creamy flesh of her neck juts like that, he couldn't pass the opportunity. He began nuzzling her neck, his hands slowly leaving her shoulders and wandering over to her front, giving her breasts not a very gentle grope. One hand went even lower, lifting her nightie slightly higher as he dipped his hand in between her thighs.

"It's good to know you're always ready for me." His voice sounded low in her ear. 

As his fingers slowed down, she started moving against them herself, turning her head over her shoulder in search for his lips. She squealed as he picked her up and carried back into the bedroom, unceremoniosly throwing her on the bed. 

He claimed her lips for a heated kiss, letting his hands travel on their own journey that she had nothing against. She held his face close to hers, kissing him with all that she had, while his hands were working on her below the waist. 

He broke the kiss moments later, looking down straight into her eyes as he stopped his movements altogether. He gave her another brief kiss, before saying. "I want us to try for a baby."

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