I had my reasons

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"Is this all?" 

"Is this all?!" Lindsey asked, looking around the hallway of Stevie's house, full of boxes that he brought back from her apartment.

"I simply meant to ask if you've got everything out of the car and in here." She rolled her eyes, walking by him into the kitchen. 

"Yes." He replied, following her. He put his arms around her from the back and kissed the side of her cheek. "You're welcome." 

"I fixed a quick lunch for you."

"My angel." He gave her another kiss and went to sit at the table, digging into the food. "You're not eating?" 

"That sort of food isn't a part of my diet."

"Oh my God, not that again!"

"I still have some unwanted pounds in certain places."

"You feel perfect to me."

"You haven't seen me naked."

"Only about a million times, yes I have."

"Not after the baby."

"And that is because you don't let me see you naked."

"Because I still carry extra weight."


"Okay, okay!" She said, laughing. "But I can't help it. And I'm shocked at how patient you are with me."

"Amazing, aren't I?"

"The best." Stevie smiled, nodding her head. "Finish eating and carry those boxes to... I don't know, maybe bedroom, it's mostly clothes anyway."

"Haven't I worked enough for one day?"

"We have guests coming over, Linds."

"You'll have to do more than feed me if I'm going to have to work so much around the house."

She tensed up and he instantly knew, he had crossed the line. "I'll go upstairs, check if Aaron's still sleeping."

Lindsey finished his food, put the dirty plate into the sink and did what Stevie had asked him to do, before disappearing from the kitchen. He caught a glimpse of her in Aaron's nursery, with what unmistakably was a journal in her hands. Usually, that was never a good sign and he cursed himself for screwing up.

It had been a few weeks since Lindsey asked Stevie to marry him and in general things were great. They finally moved out of the apartment and into a normal house, fit for a family. They loved how much their lives had changed and raising Aaron as a very happy baby was all they cared about. The wedding had also been discussed. Much to Lindsey's surprise, Stevie only wanted their families and the closest friends to be present and he wasn't going to argue with that. Like he promised, Lindsey picked out the engagement ring, awaiting the right time to give it to her. He had hoped it would have been tonight as some of their friends were coming over to finally meet Aaron, but now Lindsey was sure he fucked it all up.

Their relationship was happening very quickly and it had everything, except one part. Stevie would let Lindsey cuddle her close to himself at night, but that was as far as they got to. He had missed her and she didn't want him to look at her with clothes on, let alone without them. He thought it was silly, she was fast to make up an excuse. He loved her because of who she was as a person, not because of how she looked, but she didn't listen. And while it may have seemed that what Lindsey said wasn't at all bad, he knew better. She was obsessed with the thought of getting rid off the last of the weight she had gained during the pregnancy and any compliment he had given her, fell on deaf ears. He should have just kept his mouth shut.

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