Chapter 1: Your Messing with my Zen

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Hey, so this is my first story on Wattpad. I don't really know where this is gonna go but yeah.


As I walked over Megan's locker with my Beats encasing my ears I thought of only one thing...I truly hate Mondays. My black combat boots hit the floor in tune with the beat. The halls were emptying. As I turned the corner to meet with Megan and Ruri, I met with a foreign voice mingled with Megan's. Megan was a social butterfly so it wasn't surprising that she was talking to someone I didn't know.

Though what I wasn't ready for was to find a very tall dark-haired boy standing next to her. Soon enough I was being whisked by Megan closer to the guy and my Beats had been lowered down to my collar. The guy had to be over 6 feet and compared to my 5'6 height I would have had to tilt my head upwards to look at him. But I didn't have to since I wasn't looking at him I was looking at Megan who stood at 5'7 and I was comfortable enough to look at. Eye contact is cringe worthy for me unless I'm shielded by headphones which is not the case right now.

"Raven, Clayton" Megan introduces.

"Hi" I mumble awkwardly.

"Hey" Clayton says and from the corner of my eye I see him flash a smile at me...fuck he's trying to be nice.

"Me and Clayton here are talking about how you're fluent in French" Megan stated.

"I'm not exactly fluent" I say quickly, I don't need misconceptions fluttering around school. I've had enough of that before.

"Anyway Clayton here is taking French and needs help. So I was like my friend Raven can totally help you out with that" Megan says animatedly.

"Ummm, yeah I could" I reply. I finally muster the courage and try to look him in the eye. The it registered in my brain that it was Clayton, and I mean the Clayton Sorenson. You know they hyped up Jock-god that most girls have vied for at some point in their life. Well except me at least, I mean the guys hot but that's as deep as my knowledge goes nothing else really to make me swoon.

"So do you want to come over to my place today?" Clayton says nonchalantly.

I stare at him dumbfounded. No, no, no, no I'm not mentally prepared for this. I'm pretty sure I look like I'm hyperventilating and Megan clearly sees me looking distressed.

"Why don't you guys just exchange numbers? I'm pretty sure Raven's got something today, right" Megan says trying to save me.

"Uhh, yeah I do" I stumble out, damn I'm must sound awful. We exchanged numbers with my breath hitching once he got closer to me. Did I say I'm horrible with people and even worse with guys? Well I am and I feel like I'll have a panic attack if this conversation continues.

"I guess I'll text you or something" Clayton mumbles running his hand through his hair. I never understood that doesn't it just mess up your hair? I've overheard Ruri fangirling about stuff like that but I've never got that girl gene obviously.

"Orrrr, you, Ruri and Raven could walk towards the bus lot together" Megan interjected.

Damn you Megan, damn you.

I flicked my gaze over to him and his face didn't give anything away. actually this was probably the best time to see what he looked like. His eyes were a deep mossy, forest green and his hair which I had originally thought was black was a very dark brown. I'm a sucker for green eyes. His hair is messily slicked back and he had a pretty good jawline. Ok, now I'm being a weirdo.

"But..." I start.

"Sure" Clayton says and I glare daggers at Megan. Is she trying to kill me? She knows perfectly well I do not deal well with people. I scurry over to Ruri and Clayton glides over to stand beside me. How the hell is he doing that? Who can move that well?

"Raven, you're being rude" Ruri whispers over to me.

"I can't make eye contact Ruri, totally not it my zen place" I say quickly.

"Well, he's trying to talk to you" Ruri says and she was right.

"So, Raven how do you know how to speak French?" Clayton says with a grin. I just stared at his face transfixed with his smile. Ruri elbows me and I register that once again I'm being weird.

"My parents they're originally from France" I say.

"Cool" he responds.

"So you play football?" I say. I want to mentally slap myself du fudge Raven of courses he does.

"Yeah, have you gone to a game?" He says his lips curling upwards.

"Nope" I say popping the p.

"You should and you could talk to few of the other guys in the team. They're taking French too and are probably worse off than me" he says with laugh. I smile.

"You've got a great smile there" he says. Cocky bastard trying to rope me in with his smiles and compliments. "You're quite the shy thing, most people think your mute" he adds.

"Well damn" I whisper. I mean I know I don't talk but mute I'm not that bad...right? I look up to see Clayton raising an eyebrow at me. His eyes are filled with amusement and they crinkle at the sides.

"You've got some vocabulary" he said a laugh escaping his lips.

"It comes in handy at the best moments" I add grinning.

"I need a name for you?" He says looking up into empty space thinking.

"A name?" I ask quizzically.

"Yep, how about Bordeaux or Rave?" He says looking at me seriously.

"You're giving me a nickname?" I say unamused.

"Of course all my friends need one" he says. Friends, friends, no we are not friends. I look at him as if he has few screws loose. A popular guy doesn't mess with a quiet girl. I'm pretty sure he's fucking up the whole school's social hierarchy. Wait, do we even have one? Great now I'm even more confused.

"Rave it is, I already call too
many of my friends by their last names" he says cockily.

"Ok, well Clayton. It was great talking to you and all but I've got to get on a bus" I say pointing the nearing bus lot.

"Bye, Rave" he says saluting me. He turns around and is soon enough engulfed by a few guys. I pull Ruri with me towards our bus. I feel her gaze flicking over to me every few seconds.

"Are you stable?" Ruri says slowly.

"Umm, yeah of course I am" I say my fingers drumming against my thigh.

"Umm, Raven, I beg to differ. Remember freshman year? You had a meltdown when the boy next to you asked for a pencil" Ruri stated. She was telling the truth. I had horrible people skills. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. Great, now I'm mimicking him. His smooth and instant resonance with people was kind of bothering me. How can a person be that ok with random people. He just struck up a conversation and acted like it didn't matter. Hopefully, he won't get me wrapped up in his popular-cliquey mess. Yeah, one could dream.

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