Chapter 2 - The Shakespeare Code

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- The Shakespeare Code, part 1 -

Inside the Tardis. Stuck on a bumpy ride with the Doctor, Jane and Martha were holding on tight to the console of what they had thought to be a police box. Now, they were supposedly travelling through time and space with no guess to when and where they'd end up.

"But how do you travel in time? What makes it go?", Martha asked.

"Oh, let's take the fun and mystery out of everything", the Doctor rolled his eyes and flicked a switch, "Martha, you don't want to know. It just does. Hold on tight."

The Tardis stopped and both girls fell to the floor.

"Blimey, do you have to pass a test to fly this thing?", Jane asked, getting up and rubbing her lower back slightly.

"Yes, and I failed it. Now, make the most of it. I promised you one trip, and one trip only. Outside this door, brave new world", the Doctor promised, gesturing.

"I don't know, mate, you don't really seem to know that", Jane said scrunching her eyebrows.

"Oi, stop doubting, you're ruining it", he complained like a child who was told to take a kip.

"You just said you failed the test to fly it and the ride was bumpy. I bet you a tenner, that's the past out there, nothing brave and new."

The Doctor squinted his eyes at her, trying to hide a smirk. "Fine."

"Oh, you are kidding me. You are so kidding me. Oh, my God, we did it. We travelled in time. Where are we? No, sorry. I got to get used to this whole new language. When are we?", Martha asked excitedly when they stepped out into a sixteenth century-looking street, somewhere in Europe, probably.

"Mind out", the Doctor pulled her back.

"Gardez l'eau!" A bucket was emptied from above, right in front of them. Judging by the smell, they needed to avoid the thought they all shared. It was a piss bucket.

"Sixteenth century Europe", Jane smirked at the same time as the Doctor said, "Somewhere before the invention of the toilet. Sorry about that. How do you know that?"

"I don't know. Books, movies. Told you I'm smart if you look past the amnesia. Makes space for this sort of stuff", Jane smirked, "You owe me a tenner."

"I can prove to you, that this is brave and new, even though it's the past. No. Even for the past. Because if you're right", he looked around, "Ah, yes. Hold on."

"I've seen worse, by the way. Worked late night shift at the A+E. But are we safe? Like, can we move around and stuff?", Martha interrupted.

"Of course you can. Why do you ask?"

"It's like in the movies. You step on a butterfly, you change the future of the human race."

"Tell you what then. Don't step on any butterflies", he warned, "What have butterflies ever done to you?"

"What if, I don't know, what if I kill my grandfather?", Martha then asked.

"I don't think your grandfather's alive yet. I mean, he's still alive in the twenty-first century, I've met him. He'd be over four hundred years old", Jane thought out loud.

"Are you planning to?", the Doctor interrupted her rambles.

"No", Martha answered.

"Well, then", he gestured for the women to walk along.

"Never knew you had such violent thoughts, Martha", Jane bumped her shoulder.

"So this is London?", she ignored her.

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