Chapter 8 - Daleks in Manhattan

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Daleks in Manhattan, part 2 -

"We're way beyond half a mile. There's no collapse, nothing", Solomon clarified.

"That Diagoras bloke, was he lying?", Martha asked.

"Looks like it", the Doctor affirmed.

"So why'd he want people to come down here?", Frank asked.

"Solomon, I think it's time you took these three back. I'll be much quicker on my own", the Doctor said.

"Good one", Jane snorted, "not leaving the designated driver when he's in potentially life-threatening danger, not happening."

Before he could protest they heard squeaks and grunts around them but it was hard to figure out where they came from through the echo.

"What was that?", Solomon asked in a hushed voice.

"Hello?", Frank called loudly.

"Shush", "Frank", "Sshh", Martha, Solomon and Jane scolded him.

"What if it's one of the folk gone missing? You'd be scared and half mad down here on your own."

"Do you think they're still alive?", the Doctor turned to him.

"Heck, we ain't seen no bodies down here. Maybe they just got lost", Frank whispered optimistically.

There were more sequels and Solomon scrunched his eyebrows together, "I know I never heard nobody make a sound like that."

"Sounds like pigs, doesn't it?", Jane suggested.

"Where's it coming from? Sounds like there's more than one of them", Frank asked.

"This way", the Doctor got a move on.

"No, that way", Solomon argued moving in the opposite direction. The light of his torch fell onto a figure in red overalls, crouching on the floor.

"Doctor?", Martha called hushed as she saw the figure. The Doctor turned back to them.

"Who are you?", Solomon asked, or rather demanded.

"Are you lost? Can you understand me? I've been thinking about folk lost down-", Frank started before being interrupted by the Doctor.

"It's all right, Frank. Just stay back. Let me have a look. He's got a point, though, my mate Frank. I'd hate to be stuck down here on my own. We know the way out. Daylight. If you come with us", as he spoke, the Doctor moved closer to the man, "Jane, come here, careful", she did so, "You were right. But, what-? What are you exactly?"

"Is that, er, some kind of carnival mask?", Solomon asked from behind them.

"No, it's real. I'm sorry. Now listen to me. I promise I can help. Who did this to you?", the Doctor crouched down to him, Jane standing right behind him.

The three in the back then noticed a group of pig-men moving towards them. "Doctor? Jane? I think you'd better get back here", Martha said. They moved closer, looking gloomy, "Jane!"

"Actually, good point", the Doctor took Jane's hand and pulled her over to the group.

"They're following you", Martha told him.

"Maybe they just want to take you up on that offer?", Jane suggested insecurely.

"Yeah, I noticed that, thanks. Well then, Jane, Martha, Frank, Solomon?"


"Er- basically, run!"

He ran ahead, Jane's hand still in his as the group followed him.

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