Chapter 3 - The Shakespeare Code

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The Shakespeare Code, part 2 -

The servant girl, Dolly, came up to the travellers when they were back inside, "I got you a room, Sir Doctor. You and your companions are just across the landing."

"Thank you", Jane smiled as the Doctor gave her a nod.

"Poor Lynley. So many strange events. Not least of all, this land of Freedonia where a woman can be a doctor?", Shakespeare said, deep in thought.

"Where a woman can do what she likes", Martha corrected.

"And you, Sir Doctor. How can a man so young have eyes so old?"

"I do a lot of reading", the Doctor said gloomily.

Shakespeare then turned to Jane, squinting his eyes at her, obviously trying to figure her out.

"Do go ahead, read me, tell me what you find, I'd love to figure me out", Jane shrugged.

Shakespeare turned back to the other two, finding no use in reading Jane. "A trite reply. Yeah, that's what I'd do. And you? You look at him like you're surprised he exists. He's as much of a puzzle to you as he is to me. You though, Jane Doe, look at him like you've known for ages, seem awfully close."

Martha looked between the three before sighing, "I think we should say goodnight."

"I must work. I have a play to complete. But I'll get my answers tomorrow, Doctor, and I'll discover more about you and why this constant performance of yours"; Shakespeare sat down by the table, not intending to pay any further attention to them.

"All the world's a stage", the Doctor said with half a smile.

"Hmm. I might use that. Goodnight, Doctor, Miss Doe."

"Nighty night, Shakespeare."

Arriving in the room, Jane laid down across the bed. "Bit crammed for three people. What exactly do they think we are to one another to give us one room with a bed that nearly fits two?"

"It's not exactly five star", Martha agreed.

"Oh, it'll do. I've seen worse", the Doctor said.

"I don't even have a toothbrush."

"Oh, er", he searched his pockets, handing her a toothbrush, "Contains Venusian Spearmint."

He walked over to the bed and Jane adjusted her position so they were sitting next to each other against the headboard.

"As in Spearmint from Venus?", Jane asked. The Doctor grinned at her, "But Venus is on fire, how do you get Spearmint there?"

Before the Doctor could answer, Martha spoke up again, "So who's going where? I mean there's only one bed."

"We'll manage, come on. Who wants the middle?", he said, scooting closer to the edge so Martha could lay down on Jane's other side.

"So, magic and stuff. That's a surprise. It's all a little bit Harry Potter", she said, putting her head on Jane's stomach and looking up. Jane put her hand on her back and started rubbing it subconsciously.

"Wait till you read book seven. Oh, I cried", he said, looking up as if to recall it.

"But is it real though? I mean, witches, black magic and all that, it's real?", Jane asked.

"Course it isn't!"

"Well, how are we supposed to know? We only just started believing in time travel. Give us a break", Martha complained.

"Looks like witchcraft but it isn't. Can't be", the Doctor said, as if he was thinking out loud, "There's such a thing as psychic energy, but a human couldn't channel it like that. Not without a generator the size of Taunton and I think we'd have spotted that. No, there's something I'm missing, Martha. Something really close, staring me right in the face and I can't see it. Rose'd know. A friend of mine, Rose. Right now, she'd say exactly the right thing. Still, can't be helped. You're novices, never mind. I'll take you back home tomorrow."

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