Chapter 14 - 42

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42, part 1 -

While the Oracle finished telling Martha her story the Doctor was sonicing her phone. Martha's jaw had dropped and her eyes were wide at hearing that her best friend was actually a nine-hundred-year-old Time Lord from a far-away planet.

"So, that's what the Face of Boe meant? He wasn't wrong", Martha said at which the Doctor looked up grinning.

"Oh, yeah, he might've, actually", he said as he handed her the phone, "Right, there we go. Universal roaming. Never have to worry about a signal again."

"No way. This is too mad. You're telling me I can phone anyone, anywhere in space and time on my mobile?", she looked at the screen, "And my best friend is an alien?"

The Oracle laughed and the Doctor replied, "As long as you know the area code. Frequent flier's privilege. Go on, try it."

"Can I still call you Jane, though?", she asked, still looking through her phone to see that everything was where it used to be and then looking up her mum's number.

"Sure, you can. It's not real, though. Always thought you wanted to know my real name", she shrugged.

"I mean, yeah, but the Oracle, that's not your real name, your parents didn't name you that. Just like the Doctor's name isn't actually the Doctor."

"Well-", the Oracle was interrupted by the Tardis rattling.

"Distress signal. Locking on. Might be a bit of", they all fell to the floor, "turbulence. Come on, let's take a look."

The Doctor stepped out of the door to find himself on a space ship whose lights were glowing red as a lot of smoke came from the vents. Following him out, the Oracle noticed the heat and fanned out her blazer to get some air.

"Now, that is hot", she commented.

"Distress signal transmitted", the computer came through the speakers.

"Whuff, it's like a sauna in here", Martha agreed.

While they walked to a door the Doctor said, "Venting systems. Working at full pelt, trying to cool down. Wherever it is we are. Well, if you can't stand the heat-"

He opened the door, "There, that's better."

Two men and a woman came running up to them, yelling, "Oi, you two!", "Get out of there!"

"Seal that door, now!", the younger of the two men said, running past them to close it.

"Who are you? What are you doing on my ship?", the woman asked, hands on her hips.

"Are you police?", the young man asked.

"Why would we be police?", the Doctor asked with confusion written all over.

"People would stop thinking that if you'd let me fix the chameleon circuit", the Oracle shrugged.

"They haven't even seen her."

"We got your distress signal", Martha said, "God, you two bicker like an old married couple."

They both narrowed their eyes at her, "We are an old married couple."

"If this is a ship, why can't I hear any engines?", the Doctor asked, looking around.

"It went dead four minutes ago", she explained shortly.

"So maybe we should stop chatting and get to Engineering. Captain", the older man said.

"Secure closure active", the computer said.

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