Chapter 25 - Voyage of the Damned

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Voyage of the Damned, part 1 -

The Tardis materialised on the Titanic. The Doctor wore a tuxedo when he stepped out and the Oracle wore a long-sleeved red dress with black high heels. The Doctor offered his wife an arm.

"Shall we take a holiday on the most famous ship in Earth-history just until its end?"

She took his arm, "Honeymoon 2.0. on a ship that's destined to sink. That's so much more 'us' than the last one."

They chuckled and walked into the Reception area to see people dressed in Edwardian-style-clothes, just as expected. 'Jingle Bells' was playing and everywhere around there were golden statues in white gowns of male angels. When they walked past one of them it moved. Then the Oracle nudged her husband to get his attention to a small red-skinned alien with spikes all over, wearing a dress jacket.

He raised an eyebrow and pulled her to a window, "Right."

"Yay, the Titanic in space. More 'us'", she raised her hand for a high-five.

He smiled and high-fived her.

"Attention all passengers. The Titanic is now in orbit above Sol Three, also known as Earth. Population, Human. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Christmas."

The Doctor pulled her over to a screen where they saw a bald man with a thin moustache sitting behind a desk, "Max Capricorn Cruiseliners. The fastest, the farthest, the best. And I should know because my name is Max."

He grinned and his gold tooth glinted. Then the screen went back to showing the cruise liner's logo. A Steward walked by them.

"Merry Christmas, Madam, Sir."

"Merry Christmas", they smiled back.

Couples were dancing and for just one song the Doctor pulls his wife close to dance with her to the Christmas music. She smiled and let him lead.

"We haven't danced in centuries", she realised quietly.

"It's nice though", he smiled back, "We should do things where we have to dance as a cover-up more often."

"You're using our marriage as a cover-up", she asked in an offended tone but still had a smile on her face.

"Just this dance, love. What do you think is happening?"

"Well, it's a cruise ship in space. That's not unlikely, there are hundreds of those. I suppose they just have very little knowledge about Earth and used the name because it came up first when they searched famous ships from Earth."

"So you don't suppose it's a bad omen?"

"You always think of the worst, darling. How incredible is this? Just enjoy it for a minute."

"It already crashed into us."

"And nothing happened. The Tardis fixed herself and we're enjoying a lovely evening on a famous space-cruiser."

"I suppose you're right."

The song came to an end and like all the other couples they let go of each other and bowed the slightest bit as he kissed her hand. He didn't let go afterwards but instead pulled her towards one of the angels.

"Evening. Passenger fifty seven. Terrible memory. Remind me. You would be?"

"Information. Heavenly Host supplying tourist information."

"Good, so, tell me, because I'm an idiot, where are we from?"

"Information. The Titanic is en route from the planet Sto in the Cassavalian Belt. The purpose of the cruise is to experience primitive cultures."

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