Chapter 5 - Gridlock

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Gridlock, Part 1 -

There was an awkward sort of silence in the Tardis as Jane looked out the door into space, Martha was sitting on the jump seat and the Doctor was toying with the console. He had been recalling the events at the Globe and Jane's speech that had happened nearly an hour ago. As per Jane's request he had sent the Tardis into Earth's orbit so she could have a look. After looking out the door for a bit she came back and leaned against the cushioned railing.

He stared at her for a moment before speaking up, "Just one trip. That's what I said. One trip in the Tardis, and then home", he glanced at Martha and then looked back at Jane who was looking at him expectantly. With everything that had happened he was certain she'd be playing a bigger role in his future than he'd thought, "Although I suppose we could stretch the definition. Take one trip into past, one trip into future. How do you fancy that?"

As Jane just grinned, Martha replied, "No complaints from me", to which her best friend nodded in agreement.

"How about a different planet?", he suggested.

"Can we go to yours?", Martha asked and the Doctor's face fell.

"I mean, technically we wanted the future", Jane shrugged too quietly for Martha to register, but the Doctor looked at her for a moment before replying to Martha.

"Ah, there's plenty of other places."

"Come on, though. I mean, planet of the Time Lords. That's got to be worth a look. What's it like?", Martha insisted.

"Well, it's beautiful, yeah", the Doctor said sadly as Jane closed her eyes as if she tried to imagine it.

"Is it like, you know, outer space cities, all spires and stuff?", Martha asked.

"I suppose it is", he got quieter.

"Great big temples and cathedrals!"


"Lots of planets in the sky?"

"The sky's a burnt orange, with the Citadel enclosed in a mighty glass dome, shining under the twin suns. Beyond that, the mountains go on forever. Slopes of deep red grass, capped with snow."

Jane could almost see it in her mind. The Doctor's description with a sad tone in his voice made her want to see it but it made her believe she couldn't. So, behind her closed eyes she pictured the landscape the Doctor had described and it made her eyes prickle.

"Can we go there?", Martha asked, pulling Jane back into reality.

"Nah. Where's the fun for me? I don't want to go home. Instead, this is much better. Year five billion and fifty-three, planet New Earth. Second hope of mankind. Fifty thousand light years from your old world, and we're slap bang in the middle of New New York. Although, technically it's the fifteenth New York from the original, so it's New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York. One of the most dazzling cities ever built", the Doctor rambled as he pulled levers and buttons and switches before they landed.

They walked out into the rain in a narrow alleyway. Jane pulled her hood over her head as Martha closed her jacket, crossed her arms and lowered her head.

"Oh, that's nice. Time Lord version of dazzling", Martha commented.

"Nah, bit of rain never hurt anyone. Come on, let's get under cover!"

"At least this time it's rain and not piss", Jane grinned, recalling the last time they stepped out of the Tardis.

"Well, it looks like the same old Earth to me, on a Wednesday afternoon", Martha said, looking around.

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