Chapter 4 - The Shakespeare Code

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The Shakespeare Code, part 3 -

Back at the Elephant the Doctor explained, "The Carrionites disappeared way back at the dawn of the universe. Nobody was sure if they were real or legend."

"Well, I'm going for real", Shakespeare commented.

"But what do they want?", Martha said, putting her hands on Jane's shoulders as she sat on a chair.

"A new empire on Earth. A world of bones and blood and witchcraft", the Doctor said gloomily.

"Not dramatic at all then, lovely", Jane mumbled.

"But how?", Martha asked, disregarding her best friend's comment.

"I'm looking at the man with the words", the Doctor gestured towards Shakespeare.

"Me? But I've done nothing", he defended himself.

"Hold on. What were you doing last night, when the Carrionite was in the room?", Martha asked, starting to walk around the room.

"Finishing the play."

"What happens on the last page?", the Doctor asked.

"The boys get the girls. They have a bit of a dance. It's all as funny and thought provoking as usual. Except those last few lines. Funny thing is, I don't actually remember writing them", Shakespeare recalled.

"That's it. They used you. They gave you the final words like a spell, like a code. Love's Labours Won. It's a weapon. The right combination of words, spoken at the right place, with the shape of the Globe as an energy converter! The play's the thing! And yes, you can have that", the Doctor said, dashing around the room.

He found a map and looked over it, Martha, Jane and Shakespeare looking over his shoulders, "All Hallows Street. There it is. Martha, Jane, we'll track them down. Will, you get to the Globe. Whatever you do, stop that play."

"I'll do it. All these years I've been the cleverest man around. Next to you, I know nothing."

"Oh, don't complain", Martha said.

"Yeah, even so, he's your admirer, not the other way around", Jane added.

"I'm not complaining. It's marvellous. Good luck, Doctor."

"Good luck, Shakespeare. Once more unto the breach", the Doctor replied.

"I like that. Wait a minute. That's one of mine", Shakespeare smirked.

"Oh, just shift."

Soon, Martha, Jane and the Doctor were walking down All Hallows Street looking around, "All Hallows Street, but which house?", the Doctor voiced his thoughts.

"The thing is, though am I missing something here? The world didn't end in 1599. It just didn't. Look at us. We're living proof", Martha thought out loud, pointing towards herself and Jane who was falling behind a little.

"Oh, how to explain the mechanics of the infinite temporal flux? I know. Back to the Future. It's like Back to the Future."

"The film?"

"No, the novelisation. Yes, the film. Marty McFly goes back and changes history", the Doctor tried to explain.

"So, the witches are supposed to happen and if we don't save the world from them tonight we fade away?", Jane elaborated.

"You and the entire future of the human race. It ends right now in 1599 if we don't stop it. But which house?", the Doctor asked.

As if on cue, the door of a creepy looking house creaked open, "Wow, the witch house looks like an actual witch house. I don't believe it. You'd think they'd try to conceal themselves but nope, there it is", Jane laughed.

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