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Owen and I are currently watching movies in his apartment. I had my head on his lap.

He was running his fingers through my hair but he stopped.

"Owen." I speak out loud. I didn't hear anything so I sit up.

I look at him to see him texting on his phone. I pout while looking over at him. "Everything okay?" I ask making sure.

He glanced at me while typing on his phone. "Yeah. I'm sorry." There was something off about him. I couldn't point it out either.

"I'm gonna have to go. Dani's having a panic attack." He stands up and turns the movie off.

I look at him in confusion. He's leaving me in the middle of our movie.

It's close to midnight also. I feel bad for Dani, but why'd she ask my boyfriend to help?

"You're gonna be back right?" I ask as he gathers his stuff.

"Yeah. I have to make sure she's okay." He ran out before I could say anything.

I leaned back on his couch in defeat. I feel like I wait for him for years.

But it's almost three o'clock and he's still not here. I shake my head and gather my things.

I feel bad for Dani for having a panic attack. But it feels strange that Owen left to go help her in the middle of night.

Owen brought me here so I don't know how I'm going to get back. Or if anyone's up.

I call Jesse knowing he's usually up later. He answers on the third ring. "Saylor, aren't you with Owen?" He asked while answering.

"Yeah, about that. Can you pick me up from his apartment? I'll explain everything in the car." I can hear shuffling in the background.

"Of course. Kilton and I are up so we'll be on our way. Just send us your location." I thank him endlessly.

When he hangs up, I send him my location. I lock up his apartment on my way out.

Who knows when he'll be back. It took them about twenty minutes to get here.

Jesse ran out of the car with his hands in a fist. "Is he here? Did he hurt you?" I put my hands on his chest to stop him.

"No, he left a couple hours ago to help Dani with a panic attack." I explain. Kilton makes a weird face.

"I don't trust her." He crosses his arms together. I just shake my head.

I'm tired, upset, and want to go home. "I love you both, but can we just go?" I ask them.

They both take a deep breath. "Yeah, let's go." We all pile in the car and drive to the house.

When we get there, I thank them again. I go up in my room and instantly fall asleep.

I woke up to a shit ton of messages from Owen. He was asking if I was okay and apologizing for how long he was gone.

I'm still not too happy with him. It's one thing to help Dani with her panic attack.

But for him to get up in the middle of night to help, doesn't sit right with me.

I don't want to be that girlfriend that makes him choose between me and his best friend.

But it's getting to the point where I can't trust her. I get up from my bed and go down to the kitchen.

Everyone was in there. They got quiet when I walked in. "Everything okay?" Jesse asked me.

I shrugged while thinking about it. "I just feel like I'm overreacting." I admit.

Harley gives me a stern look. "You're not overreacting. Your boyfriend left you in the middle of the night to help a girl." She tells me.

I sigh as I look at her. "I'm with your sister on this one." Kilton spoke.

I looked at Jesse to see him agreeing. "It's just weird. I know they're friends but he's never acted like that before."

It's like he had to get out of there. It's like he totally forgot that he was with his girlfriend.

"Maybe you two should just talk it out. He's still in the wrong though." I went over and sat next to the boys as Harley cooked.

"Hell yeah he's in the wrong. You don't leave your girlfriend in the middle of the night to help a girl." Harley spoke.

Before anyone else could say anything, the doorbell ring. I have a gut feeling it's Owen. I sigh as I stand up.

"I got it." I announce to everyone. Kilton grabbed my arm and stopped me.

"Say pineapple if you need our help." I shake it off and go to our door.

When I open it, I was right, it was Owen. He looks like he hasn't slept.

"Can we talk?" He pleaded. I nodded and I walked outside.

I shut the door so they couldn't hear us. "I should've explained myself before just running out. I'm so sorry." He apologized.

I crossed my arms as I listened. "Dani is just one of my longest friends and I don't want her to go through it alone." I look at him confused.

"So you left in the middle of the night?" He sighs as he looks at me.

"Her long term boyfriend broke up with her not too long ago. She's having a rough time." I took a step back onto the pole.

It makes sense on why she was having a panic attack. I feel bad for her.

I feel bad that I judged without knowing the situation. "I should've told you, I didn't know it would take that long." He explained.

I can hear the hope in his voice. I shake my head as I look down at my feet. "I shouldn't have reacted that way." I tell him honestly.

"All I knew was that you ran off to Dani and left me at your apartment. I overreacted, I'm sorry." I finally look up at his eyes.

There was sorrow written all over them. "Don't be sorry. It's not your fault." He softly spoke.

This is the first big fight we've had. Other than that, we're usually perfect.

"Are we okay?" He was playing with his fingers. Whenever he does that, I can tell that he was anxious.

I'm not gonna fully trust him yet, but I will give him another chance. I'm not going to give up after just one fight.

I care about him too much. "Of course we're okay." I lightly smile.

He grins as he glances towards the door. "They hate me, don't they?" He asked sadly.

"They don't hate you, but they are kind of mad." He frowned to himself.

It was getting hot outside, so I took him up to my room.

It was exhausting, but we talked about it for hours. We eventually worked everything out.

I think it'll take awhile for us to get to our normal selves.

But I think we can get through it. We were down in the gaming room with Jesse and Kilton when Nash, Kira, and Winston ran in here.

We turn to them in confusion. "We have news!" Winston told us while trying to catch his breath.

"Big news!" Kira looked over at Nash as Winston did the same.

"Owen's agent, Chris, officially made me his client!" Nash announced loudly.

We all cheer and hug him. I'm so happy for Nash. He deserves it.

Even though I had a sucky day, I'm happy Nash had a good one.

I truly am happy for my best friend.

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