Chapter 6: Will

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Just 'cause I'm feeling happy, here's another chapter. :D

Happy Reading!

Chapter 6


Nick is a pretty weird guy. He's nervous all the time. He avoids the team as much as he can. And, he can really give a cold shoulder. It's been ten days since our first practice. Today is Thursday, January 15, and we have evening practice -- 6 pm to 9 pm.

It's been ten days since our moment on the ice before our respective classes. Nick has been avoiding me ever since then. We live in the same room, but he's gotten good at ignoring me. For the past ten days, he's said a total of two words to me. "Good morning", on the Tuesday after our first practice. Radio silence after that.

Now, I'm getting annoyed with the silence. Right now, we have about three hours until our practice -- it's 3 pm. We're hanging out in our dorm room. Well, technically, I'm staring at my computer pretending to work on homework. Nick is in his bunk bed, on his phone. I finally turn around to face Nick.

"Okay, that's it.", I say.

"What?", Nick startles.

"Why are you ignoring me?", I ask, meeting his eyes.

Those green and gold-flecked eyes are staring back at me evenly. I'm actually surprised by his sudden confidence.

"I'm not ignoring you.", he responds.

"Why are you avoiding me?", I ask, keeping the gaze steady.

"I'm not avoiding you, Will.", he replies.

"Yes, you are.", I state.

"No, I'm not.", he protests.

"Yes, you are.".

"No, I'm not.".

"Yeah, you are.".

"Nope, I'm not.".

"Dang it, Nick, can you please stop?", I am getting angry. I was already annoyed, but now I'm angry.

"Stop what, Will?", Nick asks. I can tell that he's also getting angry.

"Stop... stop...", I trail off. I'm not sure how to finish that sentence.

"Stop ignoring and avoiding you so that you can develop feelings for me?", Nick shouts, his face reddening in anger. "I don't think so!".

I'm stunned into silence by what he said. "...So that you can develop feelings for me?", he just said. His face then pales and his eyes widen when he realizes what he's said. He lets out a curse, surprising me once again. I didn't know he could swear like a sailor. I didn't know he could swear, period.

Quickly, he runs down the mini flight of stairs leading up to the bunk bed and to the door. His backpack is conveniently by the door, as if he was prepared for this. Grabbing his backpack and stuffing his feet into his shoes, he opens the door and runs out. The door slams behind him as he runs down the hall.

But, all those things aren't my main concern. It was what I'd seen in his eyes seconds before he'd ran out the door. Tears. He was crying. He was crying because of me.

I also grab my backpack from my desk and put on my shoes in a rush. Quickly, I lock our dorm room door. There is not a lot of danger in leaving our door unlocked, but it's always better to be safe than sorry, right? I run down the hallway and see the doors of the elevator closing. I try to catch up with it, but the doors close completely just as I get there.

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