Chapter 27: Laura/Nick

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Eh... everyone knows that she's Laura now, so no need to put the "Laura/Nick" thing on the chapter titles, but if anyone comes across this story and looks at the chapter titles before reading this story (like I always do) there would be a spoiler if I stop putting the "Laura/Nick" part. I hate spoilers where, in the chapter title, it says, "The break-up" or something like that. So... "Laura/Nick" it is. 

This chapter is Laura's POV. 


Happy Reading!

Chapter 27


The letter. Friday, February 6th is over, so that means that Will definitely has my letter. My aunt and uncle, Tessa's parents, called to see how I was doing. They were probably expecting a very happy and bubbly Laura Thompson. I hadn't actually told them the whole story of me being at Kensingburg. They didn't know the part about me posing as a boy. When I had come here, I had only told them that I got into the hockey team. I didn't tell them that I was actually posing as a boy and playing for the junior men's hockey team of Kensingburg.

Instead of the happy and bubbly me, they got a sad and heartbroken me. I told them everything. Posing as a boy named Nicholas Thompson, meeting Will, falling in love with him, telling him that I'm actually a girl, the first game where I scored the first goal, Tami finding out... and everything after that. Explaining that I broke up with Will without actually telling him the reason made me start crying yet again.

My aunt and uncle asked me to come back to High Cliff Bay, but I refused. I wanted to stay in Diamond Ring, to be close to Will even though he didn't know where I was. I was living with my cousin in her apartment while continuing the online courses I took in the first term as Laura Thompson. I'm still registered as a student of Kensingburg University, I'm just taking online courses again. When I finished telling them everything, surprisingly, my aunt and uncle weren't angry with me for not telling them what I was doing. They forgave me, like Will did, saying that I only did it to chase my dreams.

That brings us to today, Saturday, February 7th. I called Callie earlier today and asked her to FaceTime me when the game started so I could "watch" Will and the team play. She did exactly that, but the Kensingburg Lions lost the game, sadly. I could tell, even though the video call, that Will wasn't playing his best. Because of me. Me breaking up with him has taken a toll on him as much as it has on me. So, I took a risk and asked her to tell Will everything that had happened between me and Tami last weekend that made me break up with him.

I could tell that Callie was happy that I had called her after not having any contact with anyone in Kensingburg for a week. She was even happier that I had decided to tell Will the whole story.

Hours after the game, my phone rings. I look at the caller ID and see that it's Will. Quickly, I turn off my phone. He's already called me so many times this week. Now that he knows the whole story, he will try to convince me that his reputation and his future isn't as important to him as I am. He can't do that, though. He can't give up everything for me.

I think back to the letter I left for Will.


Dear Will,

Oh, my dear Willy boy. I don't want to leave you, but I have to. (Doesn't it always start like that?) I have to protect you. My secret is causing problems left, right, front, and back. I can't stand that. I hate how you also get hurt because of my problems. I shouldn't have come to Kensingburg and posed as Nicholas Thompson. I am glad for one thing, though. Well, two things, actually. No, three.

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