Chapter 24: Will

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Meant to update yesterday, but that clearly didn't happen. 

I'd like to think that I've kind of stuck to the updating schedule, though -- every other day. 

There's only a few chapters to this book left, though. This is chapter 24, and there's 28 in total. 

I'm excited!

Happy Reading!

Chapter 24


Me and Laura enter Coach North's office and close the door behind us.

"Will. Laura.", Coach North begins.

"How... what... when... Coach North!", Laura stutters.

"I know Tessa. She asked me to look out for you when you first came to Kensingburg.", Coach North explains.

"So, you are Tessa's friend Bree!", Laura exclaims.

"Yeah, I am. And, you're Tessa's younger cousin Laura.", Coach North adds.

"Wait... what are we doing here?", I ask. "You can't have just called us both here to tell us that you know who she really is.".

"You are right.", Coach North agrees. "I didn't just call you here to tell you this. But, before I tell you everything, we're still waiting for four more people.".

"Who?", Laura asks.

"You'll see.", Coach replies. "But... while we wait... could you please take off your disguise?".

"Why would she do that?", I ask, getting a little protective of Laura.

"Will.", Laura puts her hand on my forearm. "Relax. I trust Coach North. Tessa trusts her, so so do I.".

"Sorry. I guess I'm just...", I trail off.

"You're on edge.", Laura finishes for me. "I am, too. But we both know that we can trust Coach North.".

Laura then kicks both me and Coach North out of the office. A few minutes later, she opens the door and this time, she has her wrap and wig off. She's still dressed in the men's athletic pants and the black sweater because those are the only clothes available right now.

"You look so much like your mother.", Coach North gasps.

"How do you know that?", Laura gasps, too.

"I saw your mother once when I was seven years old. She was at the back rink, and, honestly, I thought that she looked so cool.", Coach North explains. "She's the reason that I have a career in sports at all.".

"What?", Laura asks, looking so confused. "You know my mom?".

"Not that well. At the time, my friend's uncle worked at Kensingburg. I don't remember which department. Me and my friend had come to visit her uncle. It was wintertime and she and I had gotten lost in Kensingburg's huge campus.", Coach North laughs. "Anyway, we happened to stumble upon the back rink where your mother was practicing. We were watching her and I thought that she was amazing. When she took a break, I asked her who she was and if she was part of a hockey team. She said that she wasn't and that she just played for fun. Later, she took me and my friend to the administration building where my friend's uncle was. He was super worried about us and he thanked your mother for helping us get back. I remember that he said a name back then. 'Margaret Fiddler'. Later, she got married and became Margaret Thompson.".

"Wait.", Laura interrupts. "What does this have to do with you helping me?".

"I told your cousin about that when we first met. Tessa realized that it was her aunt -- your mother -- who inspired me because of the name. Then, when you decided to pose as Nicholas Thompson and come to Kensingburg, your cousin asked me for a favour. She asked me to look out for you and make sure your secret doesn't get out.", Coach North answers.

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