Chapter 18: Will

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The last chapter was a cliffhanger, so I'm being nice (and following my schedule of two chapters every other day) and posting this chapter here now. Enjoy!

Happy Reading!

Chapter 18


Crap, crap, crap... what the hell is Tami doing outside our door?!

"Tami?!", Laura exclaims as soon as she sees her.

I grab Tami by her arm in a not-so-polite way and drag her into mine and Laura's dorm room. Once she's inside, Tami looks at Laura... who is not wearing her disguise. And, Tami most likely heard the last little bit of mine and Laura's conversation. She knows Laura's secret.

"Tami, what are you doing here?", I ask as soon as our door is closed.

"Well, well, well... look what I'm stumbled upon.", she gives us a grin. But, it's not a sweet grin. It's an evil grin. And, the look in her eyes... evil.

"Tami, what are you doing outside our door listening in?", Laura asks.

She opens her purse and takes out her phone. Then, she starts snapping pictures of Laura.

"This will make the front page of the Kensingburg Daily tomorrow morning.", she giggles.

I step in front of her, blocking her camera's view of Laura. What is wrong with her?

"Tami, stop.", I nearly shout. I'm so angry. "What the heck is wrong with you?".

"I should be asking Nick that... oh, wait. 'Nick' isn't your name, is it?", Tami cocks her head to the side a little, looking at Laura, who is still sitting on my bed behind me.

"Tami... delete those pictures and forget about what you saw.", I manage to grind out through my gritted teeth.

"Now why would I do that?", Tami asks. "Especially since the two guys I like turned out to be liars.".

I turn around and look at Laura. She has the same wide eyes as me. What the heck is she talking about? "...two guys I like...". She liked both me and Laura? Well, both me and Nick? Seriously, what is going on?

"What are you talking about, Tami?", Laura asks.

I turn back to Tami and she gives us both a way-too-sugary-sweet smile.

"Tami...", my tone is a warning one.

She laughs, "Ha. Don't even bother, Will. You're trying to act all tough, I know that you wouldn't hurt me. I'm a girl and you're a gentleman. You wouldn't dare hurt me.".

I grit my teeth even harder -- so hard that I'm genuinely afraid that I might break them. I hate how she's right. I would never hurt a woman, no matter how twisted that woman is. Dang it.

"He won't but don't be too sure of that with me.", Laura responds from behind me.

Yes! My girlfriend is pretty awesome, but I have no time to think about that now. I hear her get off of the bed and come to stand beside me.

"Ah, the girl pretending to be a boy.", Tami sneers. "Your secret won't be much of a secret soon.".

Then, there is a knock on our door. Before me and Laura can react, Tami walks to the door and flings it open.

"Callie!", she greets.

Callie is at our door? Why? First, it's Tami. Now, it's Callie.

"Tami, what are you doing here at Will and Nick's room?", Callie asks with confusion.

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