Chapter 23: Laura/Nick

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Second update of the day. I'm really glad that Girl Posing As A Boy is already fully written so that I can update even when I'm not in the mood to write. 

Happy Reading! (Or, will it be happy...)

Chapter 23


I look at the letters in front of me and Will again.

I start thinking of random words that we can make with the letters we have

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I start thinking of random words that we can make with the letters we have. Suddenly, I notice something. Quickly, I move around some of the letters until I get that word laid out in front of us.

G     A     M     E

"Game!", Will exclaims. "So, the message is probably about a game.".

"What would Coach North want us to know about a game?", Jake Evans asks.

"Um... when we're having a game?", Roy Graham replies. "The fact that we're having a game? Who the game is against?".

"Yeah, okay, bad question.", Jake mutters.

I look at the letters again. This time, I look at the letters that are left.

U     I     V     G

R     N     A     T

U     D     N     A

A     S     H     B

The fact that we're having a game... when we're having a game... who the game is against... I've got it! I rearrange some of the other letters and figure out another word.

A     G     A     I     N     S     T

"Against.", Will reads. "I didn't know you were so good at riddles, Nick.".

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me, Will.", I reply. "Which letters are left?".

U     N     H

R     D     A

U     V     B

"We normally have games against universities, right?", I ask. 

"Yeah. At the start of the season, all the university teams begin by having games with each other. Then, the AHT starts.", Will explains. "The AHT is the Annual Hockey Tournament -- which is a hockey tournament between teams from Starbourne Province, Benjington, and Angel Island. The AHT University League is the tournament that we'll enter in. All the university teams from the three provinces compete for the gold medal.".

"Okay, thanks for the little background info.", I nod. "My point is, the teams that we'll compete with until the AHT starts all are university teams. There are two U's in the pile of letters we have left.".

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