Chapter 13: Laura/Nick

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There's someone (or some people) in Malaysia (did I spell that right?) reading my story! Did not expect that when I woke up this morning... thank you!

Here's another update!

Happy Reading.

Chapter 13


My eyes are wide with fear. I look at Will. His expression is a mirror of mine. The knock at the door comes again.

"Will? Nick? Are either one of you in there?", a voice calls.

I'm not entirely sure of all my teammates' names, but I think that it's Mason Charles out there. Quickly, I get down from the bunk bed. Then, I walk up to Will, making sure to be silent because I don't want Mason to think that we're ignoring him.

"Will?", I whisper.

"Yeah?", he replies in the same whispered tone as me.

"I have an idea.", I say.

"Go ahead, because I have nothing.", Will responds, still whispering.

"I'm going to go into the bathroom. My clothes, wig, and wrap are still there from yesterday. I'll put on my disguise again and if he asks, tell him that I'm showering.", I explain.

"That's... pretty smart, actually.", Will smiles at me. He leans down and gives me a kiss on my cheek, "Good morning.".

"You already said that... now three times.", I blush.

"So, what?", Will asks, grinning. "Can't I say good morning to my girlfriend?".

"That sounds so nice... girlfriend.", I smile. "But, you can't, not while your girlfriend's identity is about to be exposed.".

"True.", Will agrees. "Go. This time, I'm the one protecting you.".

I chuckle lightly, going into the bathroom. When I first met him, I had "protected" him from Callie Ellis and Tami Kay. Now, he's protecting me. A few seconds after I close the bathroom door, I hear the door of our dorm room open.

"Mason? What's up?", Will asks.

Yes, I was right! It is Mason Charles out there.

"Hey, Will. So, me and Victor ran out of shampoo. Do you have any extra?", I hear Mason ask. Victor Harrison is Mason's roommate, by the sounds of it.

Oh, no. The only extra bottle of shampoo that we have in here... in the bathroom.

"Um, sorry, Mason.", Will answers. "We don't have any extra. Maybe go see if Derek and Kane have any?". Derek Franklin and Kane Michaels are also roommates.

"Okay. Thanks, anyway.", Mason replies. "See you at practice, Will.".

"You, too, Mason.", Will states.

A few seconds later, I hear the door close and I sigh with relief. I open the bathroom door and literally fly into Will's arms.

"Okay, that's never happening again.", I sigh again.

"What's never happening again?", Will asks.

"Me not wearing my disguise while we are in the dorm room. What if someone comes in without knocking?", I explain.

"That won't happen because I always lock the door behind myself and I've seen you double check to make sure it's locked at night.", Will reasons with me. "But, if you really don't feel comfortable without your wrap and wig, then you can wear them 24/7.".

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