Chapter 19: Laura/Nick

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I was bored, so I updated. No real reason. I'll scrap my schedule. 

But, only one chapter. I'm only updating with one. Enjoy!

Happy Reading!

Chapter 19


First... okay, seriously, how is Callie friends with such a... an evil person? Callie is so sweet and nice, while Tami is so evil. How did they even become friends in the first place?

Second, my mind is frozen on what Callie said before the thing about knowing when to admit that she's lost. "Tami... it doesn't matter. I know that Will loves Laura and will only ever love Laura. Same with Laura... she loves Will and only Will. There is nothing that can get between their love, least of all me.".

I love Will and I know it.

But, Will... does he love me?

And, am I really hearing this from the person who used to like Will?

Gosh, our love story is really quite interesting, isn't it?

Callie turns to me, "Laura, I'm sorry for the trouble that Tami's causing. I'm probably the one who put the idea in her head that something is off about you. I might have accidentally said something to her about my own suspicions. But, I promise you, I never had any bad intentions towards you. I didn't want things to turn out this way. When I found out that you are a girl, I was actually thinking of telling you that I know your secret. I didn't want to blackmail you, or anything like that.".

I smile and shake my head, "Callie, you don't have to apologize.".

Will speaks up next, "The one who should apologize is Tami. At the very least, she should say sorry for the fact that she was listening in on our private conversation.".

"I know that what I did was wrong. I shouldn't have impersonated someone and come here.", I look down. "But, at the same time, Tami, you shouldn't have listened in on our conversation, like Will said.".

But, Tami just gives us a laugh, "Oh, Laura. You are so naive. You have no idea how much you've angered him.".

With that, she turns on her heel and walks out of our dorm. I want to chase after her, ask her who and what she's talking about, but Will holds me back.

"Will!", I exclaim. "What are you doing?".

"Callie can do it.", Will gently says, pulling me into a tight hug. "We both had a game earlier today, in case you've forgotten. We both need to rest.".

That's when I realize that I'm super tired. If Will wasn't holding me up, giving me the support of his body, I would probably melt into the floor and take a nap right there. The game had tired me out, and then there was the whole 'Player of the Game' thing, and now this. It has been a long day. I snuggle closer to Will, hugging him back tighter.

Will then speaks to Callie, "Callie, if you don't mind, I'll leave Tami to you for a while.".

I hear Callie respond with, "Don't worry about me. You take care of Laura. She should be your priority now. Tami knows her secret and she won't stop until she gets her revenge. To be honest, it would probably be best if you guys don't stay at the dormitory right now. I'm not saying to leave as soon as possible. Just know that Tami is going to make your lives -- especially Laura's -- a living hell over the next little while. I'll try to help you as much as I can, but I don't know how much I can. Tami is pretty powerful here at Kensingburg. Much more than you know.".

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