Chapter 15: Laura/Nick

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No super-long A/N today, just...

I read this quote somewhere, and now I'm sharing it here because I feel like it's a nice quote:

"Even the pinkest flamingo starts out grey.".


And, as for the song up there... someone recommended it to me and I really liked it, so I'm hoping others will, too. 

That's it for today. 

Happy Reading!

P.S.: Underlined means text(ing).

Chapter 15


Will's phone dings with a text message. He looks at it and I look over his shoulder. It's from Callie.

Callie: Will. I should have realized it earlier when I first met him and saw you walking together two weeks ago. Well, I'm not sure if you two realized it then. You're in love with Nick. And, he's in love with you, too. I can tell that you two fell in love hard and fast. The two of you keep sneaking looks at each other and you're so comfortable around each other. Will, you've never been so comfortable around me in the past year and a half that I've known you for. I've been watching Nick these past two weeks, and he's always on edge around everyone. Everyone except for around you. Also, I realize that you two are hiding your relationship, but I'm not sure why. Don't worry, I won't expose you two. Love is between two people, and all others don't matter.

I gape at Will. "What? She... she knows?".

"I never knew that Callie was this... perceptive.", Will replies.

"She found out.", I say it out loud again to make sure that I'm actually understanding what I'm saying.

Callie knows that I love Will. She knows that he has the same feelings towards me. Wait. Does Will love me? He said that he likes me a lot, but love...

Double wait. Earlier... just now... did I just say that I love Will?

I love Will.

I love Will.

I love Will!

I feel like jumping up and down and screaming at the top of my lungs that I love him. But, of course, I don't do that. We still haven't discussed if we want to tell everyone or not. To be honest, until my secret comes out to the world, I kind of want to keep our relationship a secret. I know that our hockey team is okay with the boy-me liking men. But what would happen if they knew that Will likes me... a male? Argh... the world can really be cruel sometimes.

"She knows.", Will confirms.

"And, she won't tell anyone.", I reread the text message.

"No, she won't.", Will confirms again.

I let out a sigh, visibly relaxing, "This has been an interesting morning, hasn't it?".

Will puts an arm around my shoulders. "Yeah, it really has been.".


The week passes by in a blur and finally, it's Saturday. Saturday, January 24. The game with DRU's junior men's hockey team is here. All the players got as many tickets as they wanted that they could give to their family members. I got two and gave one to Eddie and the other to Tessa. It's a Saturday, so neither one of them have classes that they have to attend or teach.

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