Chapter 14: Will

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No super-long A/N today. 

Happy Reading!

Chapter 14, everyone...

Chapter 14


You gotta be kidding me. Not again! Some people really do have horrible timing. I watch as Laura puts on her disguise. She only has her wig left to put on. Quickly and swiftly, she goes from being half Laura and half Nick to being just Nick. I walk to the door and open it. This time, it's the entire junior men's hockey team out there.

"What are you guys doing here?", I ask.

All eighteen of them -- minusing me and Laura -- enter my dorm room. Seriously, what are they doing here?

"Oh! Uh... hey?", Laura looks so confused right now.

"We are here to drag you two out to breakfast.", Archie Padmore explains.

"Oh. Why?", Nick asks.

"Come on, Nick!", Eli Kahler gasps. "We're a team. We need to do team building things. You two already skipped on the dinner Saturday night.".

"We already knew that Will wasn't coming, but you didn't say anything.", Conner Robinson adds.

"So, we came by to see if you wanted to join us.", Aiden Delaney, Conner's roommate explains. "But, you weren't here. Where did you go?".

Laura looks at me with wide eyes. I mouth to her, "Your choice.". I really hope no one saw it. Laura fidgets with her hands like she often does when she's nervous. I wish I was there to hold her hand.

"Well... uh... I spent the weekend with my cousin and brother. I wasn't here in the dorm room.", Laura replies. "Sorry I couldn't join you.".

"Ah, it's okay.", Ben Lewis speaks up.

"Just join us now.", Noah Iverson -- Ben's roommate -- adds. "Both of you.".

I raise an eyebrow at Laura and she smiles, saying, "Alright. Let's go have breakfast together.".

I then realize that I haven't showered yet. "Um, guys, would mind giving me, like, twenty minutes? You can go ahead, I'll join you.".

Laura gives me a wide-eyed look. She's clearly not comfortable hanging out with them without me. I smile and give her a wink. I have a plan for that since I kind of expected it.

"Why?", Kane Michaels asks.

"Are you meeting your girlfriend or something?", Derek asks, smirking.

I shake my head, laughing, "Nope. Already did that this morning. I just need to take a shower.".

Laura's eyes widen even more at what I just said. "Already did that this morning.". She then playfully glares at me. I slightly shake my head, hiding a grin. I really hope that no one is watching the two of us -- me and Laura -- carefully. We would be found out for sure in seconds if there is someone.

"Oh.", Eric Saunders says. "Well, why don't you go shower and Nick can come with us for now?".

"Yeah, you can join us later in the cafeteria.", Shawn Olivier adds.

As they are about to leave, I begin my act, "Oh, shoot!".

I walk over to my desk and start shuffling around things, looking for something. I'm not actually looking for anything, I'm just pretending to.

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