Author's Note

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Hi everyone,


Seriously. It means so much to me that you take the time out of your day to read my story. I don't know if people will read Will and Laura's story in the future but, as of right now, there's 221 reads on it. 

That's 220 more than I expected — my BFF being the one read. So... thank you!

I wrote Will and Laura's story in less than a month — we all know this story by now.

I posted this story in over a month, though. Haha... it took me longer to post the story on Wattpad than to actually write it. Wow, good job, Pink Elephant.

I don't really have much else to say besides the, "Thank you!".

I hope that if I post more stories — short or long — you will read it, dear reader. Don't feel obliged to, though, just because you've read one of my stories. I won't force you, especially if the concept isn't what you would normally read. 

I wanna know how you felt reading my story and what you think of the plot. Laura and Will and everyone else are fictional characters, and they are my fictional babies. I wanna know what you think of them — please leave comments!

I have to say, this story did not go the way I'd planned initially. 

For one, Callie and Tami were both going to be the mean girls. Callie wasn't supposed to be this nice. And, then, I wrote the chapter which started with the long text from Callie to Will. I was thinking that she could maybe be a wolf in sheep's disguise or something like that. Clearly, that didn't happen. 

Second, I was also thinking about that classic airport scene between Will and Laura. Imagine this: 

Callie and Laura leave the game in Hill Valley City and go back home to Kensingburg which is in Diamond Ring City. Then, Callie and Laura pack up Laura's things, but Callie starts to feel bad about Laura leaving without telling Will. So, Callie calls Will and tells him what happened with Tami after the game. Then, Will, in a panic, comes back to Kensingburg, but Callie tells him to get to the airport where she and Laura are — without Laura knowing all this, of course. Will gets to the airport just as Laura gets her boarding pass or something. Will calls out Laura's name across the airport (I would be sooo embarrassed if I was in Laura's position) to get her attention. He walks across the airport all superstar-like and pulls Laura into a hug or something. Then, they have the conversation about why Laura was leaving and that Will doesn't care about his fame/reputation at Kensingburg — he cares more about Laura. They say, "I love you", and all that jazz — but they are still in the airport. *insert the laughing while crying emoji here*

So, yeah. That's what I was planning. It didn't happen. 

Third, at the end, when Will and Laura went back to Kensingburg, instead of going to their dorm room first, they were actually supposed to bump into Coach North on the way. Coach North would be welcoming and all that to them and then she would take them to their old dorm — where they would meet Gabe and the second girl posing as a boy of Kensingburg. 

I'm sorry that I couldn't include that all in the story itself, but I guess one benefit of writing down my side ideas here is that my readers get mini oneshots with Will and Laura. 

Once again, thank you to everyone who's read Girl Posing As A Boy now and in the future. This entire story is dedicated to my best friend, but that doesn't mean that my other readers don't matter. 

See you... whenever I write and post another story here on Wattpad. 

~Pink Elephant


11/08/2021 (DD/MM/YYYY)

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