Chapter 11: Laura/Nick

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*Keep it short, keep it short, keep it short*

I have only one thing to say this morning (or afternoon, evening, or night -- depends on where you live)...

I HAVE 97 READS ON GIRL POSING AS A BOY!!! When I first posted this story on Wattpad, I was expecting like 10. I have 97. Ninety-freaking-seven reads! 

Thank you to everyone reading this -- those 97 reads are all because of you!

Now, I'll let you read Chapter 11. 

Chapter 11


This past weekend, staying at the Johnston family house has been amazing. Will has an awesome family.

Just a few minutes ago, we said goodbye to Will's parents and sister. I don't know what Will and Jane talked about in private, but I know that it's bothering him. He seems nervous and he keeps looking at me with a strange look.

I sigh, "Will?".

"Yeah?", he replies.

I fidget with my hands in my lap, "What's going on? You seem nervous and you keep looking at me...".

This time, he sighs, "I can't keep anything from you, can I?".

"Apparently not.", I smile a little.

He lets out a big breath through his nose and speaks, "Jane knows.".

My jaw drops open, "What?".

"Jane heard our conversation in your room last night.", Will explains.

"What?", I'm in shock. "She heard everything?".

"Pretty much.", Will responds. "That's what she wanted to talk to me about before we left. She told me that she heard everything and was worried about me.".

I look down, "Right.".

Will leans over a little and takes my left hand in his right like he did before I met his parents yesterday evening.

"It's not your fault, Nick. Don't blame yourself.", Will says.

"But-", I protest.

But, Will cut me off, "Nick. It's. Not. Your. Fault. You have challenges that no one else knows about which are holding you back. It's okay. When you're ready, you'll tell me. Until then, I will wait for you.".

"What if you... will you... stop liking me in the time you wait?", I ask in a rush. My cheeks are red and I'm looking down at mine and Will's intertwined hands.

Will smiles, "You and Jane are actually really similar. She asked the same question.".

"Wait.", I pause, thinking and connecting the dots. Then, I continue, "She asked if you would stop liking me and end up... hurting me? She was worried about me?".

Will's smile widens, "You figured it out. She is worried about not only me, but also you.".

I smile a little, "That must make you happy.".

"Yeah, it does.", Will agrees.

We sit in silence for a few minutes. It's not an awkward silence, it's comfortable.

I look over to him and see that Will opens his mouth to talk, but then closes it, thinking better of saying whatever he was originally going to say.

"What is it, Willy boy? Spit it out.", I joke.

He smiles and then speaks, "So... last night... you said that your name isn't Nick Thompson. Then, what is your name?".

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