Chapter 22: Will

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Sorry for not updating yesterday. I got my 2nd dose for the vaccine, and I didn't have the energy to do anything. Today, my head hurts and I feel like cr*p, but here I am posting this chapter for you all. 


Chapter 22


I knew it! Coach North is definitely connected to this whole mess. If the person Laura's cousin knew back then is the same person as our coach, then Coach North definitely has a motive to help Laura. She (Laura) is her friend's (Tessa's) younger cousin.

"So, you think that, because Coach knows your cousin, she is helping you?", I ask Laura.

"If our suspicions that Coach North is my secret helper are correct, then this is the only connection that Coach could possibly have to my family.", Laura replies.

"And, the only way to find out if our suspicions are the truth is by asking Coach North herself.", I state.

"We'll ask her tomorrow, then.", Laura declares.

"Tomorrow?", I ask. "Isn't it a little too... rushed?".

"Willy boy, my secret has already come out to the person who hates us the most right now. Going to Coach North, who might be my secret helper, is the best choice we have.", Laura explains. "She could possibly help us.".

"Alright.", I nod. "You're right in thinking that.".

"Now, how about we go to bed? It's almost ten now and we have morning practice tomorrow.", Laura asks.

Suddenly, I realize the time, "Oh, shoot! It is almost ten. We have morning practice. Sorry, Laura. I didn't mean to keep us awake.".

She waves away my apology, "It's fine, Will. Let's just sleep now. We still will get about seven hours of sleep.".

I pick up my phone, my journal in which we wrote in, and the pen. My phone is still recording our conversation, so I quickly stop the recording and save it. I put my journal and pen on my desk along with my phone, which is now in charging. Then, I shut off the lights and crawl into my bed. It's sleeping time now.


The next morning, I wake at 5:15 am and realize that Laura is in the bathroom because the shower is on. Ten minutes later, Laura comes out of the bathroom dressed in the athletic pants and black sweater we wear for practice under our hockey protective gear. She has her wrap on as usual, but not her wig. Laura sees that I'm awake and smiles wide. I get out of my bed and kiss her forehead.

"Good morning, Willy boy.", she greets me.

"Good morning, Nicky girl.", I reply.

"I didn't wake you when I woke because I wanted to let you sleep a little.", she answers my unasked question. She really knows me well.

"Thanks.", I respond. "I'll go shower now.".

I get my clothes from my closet and go into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and take a shower. I only come out of the bathroom fifteen minutes later, at 5:40 am. By then, Laura is already in her full boy disguise. We have twenty minutes to get to practice, and it's a fifteen minute walk to the Hockey Building. By the time we leave the dormitory building, some of our team members are also leaving the building. Most of us are gathered in the courtyard.

"Hey, what's up?", I ask as we approach them.

"Oh, hey, Will. 'Morning, Nick. Good to see that you're feeling well today.", Roy Graham, one of our goalies greets us.

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