71|mischief night

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STILES SPUTTERED THE jeep into the school parking lot, making sure to slam on the brakes before parking.

"When are you gonna get this thing fixed?" Beck groaned as she collected her textbooks that fell out of her bag from Stiles's driving.

"I'm sorry, but last time I checked I don't have money squirting out of my ass," Stiles grumbled as he grabbed for his bag. Beck rolled her eyes as she brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. Quickly, Stiles grabbed Beck's arm, making the small blonde look at him. "Hey, you doing okay? I know that dumbass dumped you not even a week ago but..."

"You really wanna talk about my relationship issues?"

Stiles released Beck with a furious shake of his head. "Absolutely not. But I just wanted to let you know that I'm here if you want someone to punch him or something like that. You know, big brother stuff since Derek isn't here at the moment."

"Stiles, are you suggesting that you're like a brother to me?"

Stiles's mouth fell open as he hummed. Was that what he was suggesting? Stiles had grown a little close to the blonde witch. She was annoying at times, and Stiles had the constant desire to strangle her at others, but he'd grown used to having her around. Were they becoming like brother and sister?

Beck smiled fondly at Stiles. "Thank you, Stiles," Beck muttered before looking down at her lap. "It was my fault anyway. I should've known I couldn't have anything as normal as a boyfriend."

But Stiles quickly shook his head. "Beck, none of that was your fault."

"No skin-to-skin contact," Beck emphasized. "Not till I learned full control. Something I don't have, not that part of my powers. And relationships are all about-"

"Relationships are all about finding someone who cares about you as much as you care about them," Stiles interrupted.

"And I did," Beck whispered, bottom lip trembling slightly. "Stiles, I really liked Drew. I liked him so much I didn't want to scare him away. That's exactly what would have happened if I told him about my life, about what I am. But apparently not telling him also drove him away." Sighing, Beck wiped at her eyes before looking up at Stiles. "Look at you, trying to give relationship advice when you've never been in a relationship."

"I've been in a relationship."

"Yeah, with who?"

Turning away quickly, Stiles hastily changed the topic. "Oh, what the hell are they doing here?" He spat as he rushed out of the jeep.

Watching him leave, Beck's eyes landed on what he was grumbling about. Ethan and Aiden were back in school. And they were talking to Scott.

Quickly, Beck jumped out of the jeep to follow.

"You're back in school?" Scott asked, surveying the twins.

"No," Ethan said. "Just to talk."

"Oh, that's kind of a change of pace for you guys," Stiles said as he and Beck joined the conversation. "Seeing how you're usually just hurting, maiming, and killing."

Aiden looked at Scott. "You need a pack. We need an alpha."

"Yeah, absolutely not," Stiles answered for Scott. "That's hilarious though."

"You came to us for help. We helped."

"You beat his face into a bloody pulp," Stiles countered. "That's not helping. In my opinion, that's counterproductive."

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