5|sheriff station

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BECK SAT IN Sheriff Stilinski's office, her burgundy converses tapping erratically on the floor.  She'd been there for over half an hour and nothing had happened yet.  Crossing her arms over her chest, Beck slouched back into her seat with a huff.  

   Finally, Sheriff Stilinski stepped in holding a donut in one hand and a file in the other.  

   "Hey Rebecca, I brought you something to eat," Sheriff Stilinski smiled as he held out the donut to the small blonde.  

   Beck just glared at it.  She could feel her stomach grumbling, but food didn't matter at a moment like this.  "Where's my brother?"  She grumbled.  

   Sheriff Stilinski sighed, putting the donut down on his desk.  "I just need to ask you a couple of questions, if that's okay with you?  I just want you to answer them as honestly as you can, okay?"  

   "Where's my brother?"  

   "He's in a holding cell."  

   "I want my brother," Beck demanded, scowling at Sheriff Stilinski.  

   "And you'll see him soon, I just need you to answer some questions."  Sheriff Stilinski sat down in the chair next to Beck, placing the file he was holding down on his lap.  "Rebecca, can you tell me what you and your brother are doing back in Beacon Hills."  

   Beck just continued to glare at Sheriff Stilinski.  She didn't have to answer his questions.  

   Sheriff Stilinski released a breath after a few minutes of silence.  "Staying silent isn't going to help your brother Rebecca.  I know you believe he's innocent, but I need you to prove it.  And that means you need to answer my questions."  


   "Okay," Sheriff Stilinski breathed, opening the file.  "I was hoping not to do this," he muttered as he placed a photo on his desk in front of Beck.  Beck leaned forward slightly to get a look at it.  "Rebecca, do you know this woman?"  

   Beck released a breath as she looked at the photo.  It was Laura.  But at the same time, it wasn't.  It was her pointed chin, her high cheekbones, her black hair.  But her skin was pale, her eyes were shut and rimmed a dark hue.  

   With shaky hands, Beck picked the photo up.  A sob caught in her throat as the small blonde looked at her big sister.  

   "You do know her, don't you?"  Sheriff Stilinski prodded.  

   Beck looked up at him with tears building in her eyes.  "This is my sister, Laura."  

   Sheriff Stilinski glanced around his office awkwardly.  Jumping up, he grabbed for something before holding out a tissue box to Beck.  Beck took some tissues shyly before dabbing them at her eyes and nose.  

   "Rebecca, please, tell me why you and Derek returned to Beacon Hills," Sheriff Stilinski begged once he returned the box.  

   "Because of Laura," Beck whispered, clutching the tissues in her fist.  Beck focused down on them, not meeting the Sheriff's eye.  "About two months ago, Laura left to return to Beacon Hills while we stayed home."  

   "And where was that?"  

   "A cabin in upstate New York," Beck answered, crumpling and uncrumpling the tissues.  "About three times a week, Laura would call, ask how everything was, tell us how she was doing."  Beck released a shaky breath as she continued.  "Almost two weeks ago, she didn't call.  Derek started getting worried.  Decided that we needed to go check on her.  See if everything was okay.  But...but when we arrived, she wasn't there."  Beck's bottom lip trembled as she paused.  

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