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STILES COULDN'T HELP but yawn as he stared down at Beck. She was still in the hospital. Still unconscious. They had removed the tube a couple of weeks ago, leaving only a cannula tube inserted in her nose.

Throughout her time in the hospital, everybody in the pack took turns staying with her till she woke up. Making sure nothing happened to her.

Now it was Stiles's turn.

Stifling another yawn, Stiles shifted in his seat as he struggled to keep his eyes open. But soon his tiredness won out.

Not even five minutes after Stiles's head lulled back did Beck's head move to the side, her eyelids fluttering slightly as she released a whimper. After ten minutes, Beck's eyes finally opened. The scratchiness in her throat made her groan as she shifted.

Light green eyes searched the room before landing on the resting form of Stiles asleep in his seat.

"Hey," Beck croaked, the scratchiness in her throat intensifying slightly as Stiles jumped awake. Looking around frantically, Stiles almost broke down crying when he found Beck staring at him. She was awake! Clearing her throat, Beck spoke again. "Are you back to normal?"

Stiles released a chuckle as he sat forward. "That depends on how you define 'normal'."

"I would define it as you not being possessed by an evil fox," Beck croaked, a small smile pulling at her lips as Stiles chuckled again. Hearing the scratchiness of her voice, Stiles grabbed a cup of water that was sitting on the table next to him before handing it to Beck. The small blonde took the cup gratefully, downing the water in one drink.

Stiles took the empty cup back, sending Beck a small smile. "Yeah, I'm back to normal."

"As normal as you can get," Beck hummed, giggling as Stiles released a scuff. "I'm glad you're you again."

"I'm glad you're awake," Stiles said before his smile fell, shaking his head. "Beck, why? Why did you do it?"

Beck's light green eyes search Stiles's face. He was guilty, practically beating himself up for what the nogitsune did in his skin.

Blinking, the small blonde spoke. "Because I care about you, Stiles. You're like a brother. The kind of brother I lost after the fire. The annoying kind that always knew what to do to piss me off, but still cared enough to ask if I wanted him to beat up my ex." Stiles released a chuckle as he glanced down. "Stiles, I knew you wouldn't be happy with what the nogitsune was doing in your body, the chaos and death it was causing. So, I did the only thing I could think of. To save you. But obviously, that didn't work out."

"Thank you, Beck. For trying." Stiles smiled. "I care about you too. You're like the little sister I never wanted."

Beck burst out laughing, making Stiles join in. Once their laughter died down, Beck shifted in her bed to sit up.

"Wait, wait," Stiles jumped up, grabbing the remote to the bed. Slowly, the mattress lifted to a sitting position, propping Beck up.


Stiles lifted his hands in surrender as he sat back down. "Hey, you're the one that just woke up from a two-month coma-"

"Wait, what?" Beck gasped, sitting up as she looked at Stiles wide-eyed. "Two months? I was out for two months?" Stiles nodded his head slowly, making Beck fall back into the bed. "I missed my birthday," she muttered. "What else did I miss?"

"Umm," Stiles hummed uncomfortably, shifting in his seat as he scratched at the back of his head. "Well... Allison... Allison, she died."

"What?" Beck cried as she sat up. Quickly, the small blonde shook her head, tears fighting in her eyes. "No... Allison..."

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