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"LUCKY FOR YOU these cuts aren't deep," Scott's boss, Deaton, marveled as he dabbed a cotton ball against Beck's temple. "When they heal, you won't even have a scar."

Beck gave off a hum as she stared down at the floor. After Derek killed Uncle Peter, the boys took Beck to the animal clinic to see Deaton, terrified that taking her to the hospital would raise too many questions. They also had to drag Jackson along, since it was his car they were using.

Deaton was just getting in when they arrived. He didn't ask questions when he saw the four teenagers. Didn't ask why they were out that early in the morning. Didn't ask why they all looked like they were just in a riot. All he did was take one look at the youngest of the group with injuries across her face and wrists and one hand soaked in blood before guiding her to the back room, leaving the three boys to wait in the lobby.

Deaton gently tilted Beck's head up, tending to the cut on her cheek. "You look deep in thought," he observed, dabbing gently. "Do you wish to share?"

Beck was deep in thought, she was lost in her head. Her brother was an alpha now, her uncle was dead again, and she was never going to leave Beacon Hills. She couldn't with Derek as the alpha, he had to stay in Beacon Hills. Their family home.

She was also recovering from being tortured and she was in pain, wanting nothing more than to sleep for the rest of her life.

But she couldn't tell Deaton all that.

So, Beck settled for a little detail. "The medicine you're using, it smells familiar." It was true, Beck felt like she's smelt this stuff before. The scent was strong, pulling at a memory in the back of her head.

Deaton smiled as he pulled away, finished. "I bet it does, it's an herb your family used to use often. Mixed into a little concoction of my own making."

Beck gasped as she fully studied Deaton's kind face. "I remember you," she whispered as Deaton turned to clean his examination room. "You... when I was little, I got hurt. Dad didn't know what to do so he-he took me to you."

Deaton smiled at the memory as he turned to face Beck. "You were screaming like a banshee," he remarked as he stepped towards Beck, gently grabbing ahold of her arm. "I'm glad to see your arm has fully healed."

"You're a-"

Deaton silenced the girl as he pressed a finger to his lips. He shook his head as he gave a slight twitch towards the lobby.

"Scott," Beck muttered as she realized the werewolf was probably listening in.

As if on command, Scott and Stiles stumbled in. They tried to act nonchalant as Jackson walked in after them.

"Hey, look at you," Stiles smiled as he stepped closer to Beck's side. "Good as new."

"Rebecca's good to go," Deaton explained as he placed a hand on Beck's shoulder. "You can remove the bandages on your wrists in about two days. But I do recommend that you take it easy for a couple of days, okay?"

Beck nodded her head as she slid off the examination table. Her sides ached as she moved, but she forced a smile on her face as Scott and Stiles watched her.

Deaton quickly grabbed Beck's hand, making the blonde look up at him. "And Rebecca, I know I'm not that kind of doctor, but if you need anyone to talk to, I'm here if you need me," Deaton said softly with a kind smile.

Beck returned his smile with one of her own, nodding her head. "Thank you."

Deaton then glanced up at the rest of them. "Now, I advise all of you to go home and get some sleep. You had a very... eventful evening."

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