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LIAM SAT AT the foot of the stairs, his foot tapping anxiously as he waited. The minute he heard footsteps approaching, he jumped to his feet. His blue eyes settled on Beck as she descended, her arms holding herself as Melissa kept an arm around her body. 

"Hey, you okay?" Liam asked once Beck stepped off the last step. The small blonde shrugged as Liam reached out a hand, pulling her to his side. The small blonde allowed him, stepping closer.

Beck released a slow sigh of relief as she closed her eyes. When she opened them again, they landed on Parrish standing in the living room keeping a watchful eye on someone sitting on the couch.

"You!" Beck hissed, venom in her voice at the sight of Carter. He sat on the edge of the couch, his hands handcuffed in front of him. There was a bruise surrounding his left eye and a couple of scratches across his cheek.

His dark eyes widened as the small blonde tried to rush towards him, only to be stopped by Liam holding her back. He wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her close as she fought to reach their classmate.

"How could you!?"

Carter shifted towards Beck, trying to stand only to be pushed down by Parrish. "Beck, I'm-"

"I trusted you!" Beck shouted as she fought against Liam's grip. "You were my friend and I trusted you."

"Beck, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Carter begged, his eyes pleading as he looked up at the small blonde. "I never wanted to do it. Any of it."

"But I trusted you," Beck hissed as Liam and Melissa tried to calm her. She stopped fighting Liam's hold, looking at Carter with betrayal in her light green eyes. "How could you? You were my friend and you tried to kill me! Why?"


"Okay, Liam, why don't you take Beck into the kitchen, okay?" Melissa instructed, moving to block Beck's view of Carter. "Luka's in the kitchen. He's worried about you, why don't you go check on him, okay baby? Liam, take her into the kitchen."

Liam nodded his head obediently and pulled the small blonde with him.

Taking one last look over her shoulder, Beck glanced at Carter. "I trusted you."

"I'm sorry," Carter called softly as the two supernatural teens disappeared around the corner. He looked up at Melissa and then Parrish, finding glares on both the adults' faces. This made the young witch hunter sulk further into himself.

Liam led Beck into the kitchen, only for the small blonde to be tackled in a hug by a freckle-faced girl.

"Jesus," Tessa breathed as she crushed Beck in her arms, earning a chuckle from the small blonde as she returned the hug. Tessa stepped back, shaking her head. "I'm not gonna say it-"

"Then don't," Beck sighed.

But Tessa continued.  "But I told you there wasn't something right about him."

"I get it," the small blonde sighed, shaking her head as she looked at the redhead werewolf. "I was wrong, you were right. What more do you want?"

"Just for you to be okay," Tessa muttered, pulling Beck back into a hug. "I already lost my twin brother, I can't lose my first and only best friend."

"Tess," Beck murmured as she fought the feeling of tears building in her eyes.

"Ada?" A soft voice murmured from behind the two girls. Pulling apart, they all looked up at Luka as he shifted on his feet. His faded blue eyes seemed to focus on Beck as his hand pulled at his flannel shirt. "Sad?"

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