Where were you?

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Ezra ran to the Ghost. Except his 'run' was more of a hobble because of his fatigue and Newley aquired limp.

He just reached the ramp as he collapsed.

"Come... on... E-Ezra. Just a few... more... steps." Ezra muttered as he forced himself to his feet and limped up the ramp of the Ghost.

Zeb dropped down the ladder as Ezra crawled into the vent so he wasn't seen injured, "I swear I heard the kid." Zeb shrugged and walked off.

Ezra sighed. He wasn't spotted which was good. Kanan was sure to freak out at his appearance.


Ezra dropped out of the vents and into the cafe on the ship to grab something to bite down on.

Of course that's when Sabine decided to walk in.

Ezra quickly jumped up into the airvent once more and quietly crawled off, but not before hearing Sabine mutter to herself, "I thought someone was in here..."


Ezra dropped into the cockpit to recieve his backpack. He was debating weither it was for better or for worse. It was good he forgot it because it wasn't stolen; but bad because he had to make an extra stop to get it and the supplies he needed.

"Great..." Ezra moaned as Chopper rolled in. For Ezra, it was a neon sigh that read in big bold letters 'Hera's coming!'

Ezra crawled back into the vents once more. He watched Hera as she walked into the room, looked around for signs of life, shrugged, and walked out.

Ezra let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. He wasn't caught.



Ezra dropped out of the airvent and onto his bunk after his long trek around the ship. He was exaushted to say the least.

Ezra shoved the towel into his mouth and got to work on his injuries.

That's when Kanan decides to pay a visit.

The doors hiss open but Ezra seems to asume its Zeb, so after making sure his back it to the door, Ezra goes back to working on disinfecting and patching his injuries.

"Ezra. It's time for Jedi training." Kanan called to Ezra.

Ezra let out a groan around the towel.

"Come on kid. You've been asleep long enough." Kanan is about to shake Ezra awake when Zeb walks in looking lost.

"Um, Zeb. You need something?" Kanan asks.

Zeb shakes his head but his thoughts seem elsewhere. Zeb takes in a wiff of the air, "I smelled blood and followed the scent. I've been all over the Ghost."

Zeb's eyes finally land on Ezra, "So. He's been here this whole time. Time for payback."

Kanan was about to stop Zeb from hurting Ezra (who had not shifted positions which was strange for the energetic teen) when Sabine walked in, looking just as lost as Zeb.

"Sabine? What are you doing in here?" Sabine looked up with a shocked expression but quickly schooled it down.

"I was following a paint trail." Sabine informed. "Somehow some of my paint managed to get from the cafe to spread around vents throughout the Ghost. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, Ezra. Would you?"

The others couldn't tell (well, maybe Kanan could) but Ezra was beginning to become frantic. The towel was still in his mouth and he was in the middle of stiching a rather deep cut.

Just when Ezra though he was gonna have to show the crew his injuries, Hera walks in.

"Great, everyone's here." Kanan mutters

"So, what's your story?" Zeb asks.

Hera crosses her arms and stares Zeb down, "I had Chopper place a tracker on Ezra's jacket so we always knew where he is. I was looking for him."

Kanan threw his hands up in the air, "Aren't we all!"

Hera smirked as Chopper rolled in, "I also saw him in the vents and wanted to know what he broke before I find it."

All eyes turn to Ezra as he groans. He could jump in the vent and try to get away, but there really isn't a way for him to get out of this one.

Ezra weakly lifts his left arm, "This is."


Yeah, I know crappy place to PINEAPPLES end a chapter, especially the first chapter. But I really want to be able to post this in my updating montage so deal with it. Next updates for all stories will be planned better so I can update on a schedule with enough time for each story. Yay! PINEAPPLES!!!!!!!!! XDXDXDXDXDXD

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