Of Captains and Rebels Part 2 (Prologue)

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First chapter of Unexpected Issues' Sequel! Don't know about you, but I'm excited!

Soth Otis stood in front of rows upon rows of Stormtroopers, all standing at perfect attention.

He bowed as the ship landed, and remained that way as Grand Moff Tarkin and Grand Admiral Thrawn passed him.

"Rise," Thrawn instructed, walking slightly behind Tarkin.

The three made their way to an office, accompanied by squadron Stormtroopers, of course.

"Sit," Thrawn instructed as he stood in the back corner of the office behind Tarkin's seat.

Soth did as instructed as Tarkin began to speak, "Grand Admiral Thrawn believes you may be of some use to us regarding some Lothalian... rebels."

Soth nodded as Tarkin continued, "If this is true... we may find use of your services."

Thrawn took over, "We believe you may be able to capture, if not turn, Ezra Bridger."

Soth scoffed, or at least he almost did, "Bridger..." He rolled the name around, "He's... a complication. I'll see what my men can do. But my men will only work with the proper... motivation."

Soth then stood to leave.

"If-" Thrawn began, "You are successful, we will repay you tenfold."

"And if I'm not?" Soth asked.

"You won't be." Was all Thrawn said.

Soth was then promptly kicked out of the office.

.........................................................................Two years later.................................................................

"Zeb, I'm telling you it is physically impossible for you to fit any more space waffles into your mouth," Gooti spoke as Ezra walked into the room.

He looked lost as he sat down, feeling numb.

The feeling settled over the others, and the Ghost crew realized that it was Ezra's emotions leaking out into them.

"What's happening?" Mart asked, looking at Ezra, "What's he doing to us?!"

In walked Kanan and Hera, the later glaring slightly at Mart's accusation of Ezra doing something to purposefully harm the Iron Squadron.

"His friends," Kanan began, and Ezra's hands balled into fists, "His... family, so to speak. Who he lived in coexistence with while he was on the street."

"There's been signs of kidnappings on Lothal," Ezra cut in, looking up, "Specifically the missing of the Lothalian Rebels."

"Well, we could look for them while you two," Sabine gestured to Kanan and Ezra, "Look for Obi-Wan." At the blank looks she continued, "The holocrons said a planet with two moons. It could be Lothal."

Kanan nodded as Ezra stared at the table.

"Is that okay with you, Ezra?" Hera asked.

Ezra nodded yes, standing up before leaving the room.

"We'll just-" Jonner began.

"-be staying," Gooti glared at Jonner and Mart, who had begun leaving, before she turned to the Ghost crew, "If that's alright with you. We'd like to stay. To help. Isn't that right, boys?"

Mart and Jonner nodded yes grudgingly.

"So we've reached an agreement," Zeb stated, punching his one hand with the other in a fist.

Hera nodded, "We'll all look for the missing people, specifically looking for signs of the Rebels, while Ezra and Kanan look for Obi-Wan."

"Agreed," Kanan said, crossing his arms.

"Good," Ezra said, back in the room with his backpack and loaded with blasters and his lightsaber, "Let's get to work."


Alright, first chapter of the sequel done.

OCs will be in the story, but not prominent. Hopefully...

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