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...A broken Padawan. Complete with eyes screwed shut from pain, towel clamped tightly in mouth, needle mid-stich in an injury, a multitude of cuts, scrapes, and brusies, a black eye, bleeding lip, and broken arm. And those were only the injuries that Kanan saw in the dark room.

A collective gasp sounded as he stepped back. Eyes that had expressed mild irritation and slight worry at the reveal of a broken arm turned to a mixture of shock, terror, and murderism for whoever causes young Ezra this pain.

"Ezra..." Hera whispered as she stepped fowards.

3... 2... 1... Kanan thought to distract himself, and... Mother mode activated.

Just as he finished his thought, Hera was barking orders at all of them. Hera left to prep the Med bay as Kanan gathered the medical supplies from Ezra (who had passes out.) Zeb gathered Ezra in his arms carefully as Sabine and Chopper gathered the rest of the supplies they needed.

"Come on kid..." Kanan faintly heard Zeb mutter to Ezra. He couldn't blame him, no one wanted to think of the situation Ezra managed to get himself into to get him hurt.

Finally everything was set in the Medbay and Zeb placed Ezra gently on the examining table.

Hera got to work immediately. They had to cut of the left sleeve of Ezra's shirt after removing his jacket to fix the broken bone, but rather than that his outfit was left intack.

His body, well... that wasn't so fortunate.

After two long hours of patching Ezra up the none of the crew fully remembered, Hera addressed them.

"Okay, at the end of well this Ezra has a broken arm, sprained ankle, two stab wounds, stitches in three major cuts with another that we need to keep an eye on because it's borderline, a black eye, busted lip, and scattered brusies." After saying this, Hera let out a long breath before continuing, "He might have a slight concusion and if he would wake up I'd say we should wake him but since we can't... were just gonna have to keep an eye on him."

Kanan sighed and shook his head, trying not to show how much he worried for his Padawan, "You should rest, I'll take first Eza watch."

Hera looked like she was about to argue when Zeb gently put his hand on her shoulder, "He'll be fine. You need rest." He then turned to Kanan, "I'll take second watch."

Sabine walked to the door before turning, "Third." Then walking out.

Hera sighed in defeat. "Fine, but if Chopper tries to take fourth watch, I'll wrestle it from him." She left with Zeb following.

Once they left Kanan visibly deflated. He sighed and leaned fowards, elbows on knees, hands knitted together, face resting against them.

"What are we gonna do with you, Ezra?" He muttered to himself.

Ezra mumbled something incoherent in his sleep. A good sign.

Kanan allowed himself a small fond smile.

What did the kid get himself into this time...

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