Back to Lothal (Day Three, Part Two)

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Bare with me, I don't normally write young children.



Muffling came from the child, still clutching Ezra's leg.

Ezra let out something of a choked sob and laugh, lifting the young child up and into the air before hugging him, "Blue! You're okay!"

The child hugged Ezra back, nuzzling into his neck, his Raven hair long like Ezra's once was.

Kanan cleared his throat, and Ezra turned looking sheepishly at Kanan's unseeing eyes.

He hesitantly walked forward, coaxing Blue off of him and into Kanan's arms.

"Kanan... this is Blue," Ezra spoke slowly as Kanan awkwardly held the child, which was observing Kanan's eyes.

"Your eyes are weird," He stated bluntly, and Kanan let out a bark of laughter.

"I guess you could say that," Kanan then turned to Ezra, who was scowling at Blue, "Who is he?"

Ezra took Blue back, placing him on the ground, "He's Blue!"

"Ezra," Kanan's tone was warning enough, and Blue clutched to Ezra's legs once more.

Ezra sighed, "He's one of the Lothalian Rebels."

"He's two!" Kanan exclaimed, "I thought we'd met all the Lothalian Rebels?"

"I'm six and a half!" Blue exclaimed, pouting.

Ezra put a hand on Blue's head, which was only slightly higher than that of Chopper, "He's part of the group that I was in before I met you, and the rest of the Ghost Crew. You all only met a portion of them last time we saw them."

Kanan crossed his arms, "What do you mean?"

"You were the Rebels," Ezra explained, "But we were another group attacking the Empire, even though that was more for our own gain," He paused, "We didn't really work together to help other people until, well, I met you all."

Blue objected, his own blue eyes flashing with annoyance, "We did try to help people! We just didn't have a death wish."

"Quick mouth," Kanan flicked a rock from outside at him, Blue dodged out of the way, but caught the rock in the process, "Quicker reflexes. Street rat?"

"Most of us are," Ezra spoke, before he corrected himself, "Were. The rebellion has helped with housing."

Kanan raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything.

Ezra turned back to Blue, who was fiddling with Chopper's charging port, "You know, it's okay. They don't judge us by what we were."

Blue bowed his head before looking up at Kanan with sad eyes, Ezra spoke what Blue wouldn't, "We didn't help people. We didn't even help each other," Cutting Blue off when he made a sound of objection, "-not really. We looked out for each other, but our own skin mattered most to us."

"We fought the Empire," Blue supplied weakly, and Ezra let out a small smile.

"That we did," Then Ezra became serious, "Blue, we need to know why you're here and not with the others."

"They were taken by the bad men," Blue whispered, not looking at Ezra, "Just like my mom. Just like your parents. The bad men took them all."


I'm just gonna leave this here, let me know if anything could be improved!

There's gonna be a third part to this, isn't there? *Sighs* Oh well, I'll get to work! (This does not mean I'll be updating again tonight!)

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