Scared to Sleep

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Kanan and Ezra sat in silence, both trapped in their own thoughts. That was until Ezra decided he was tired of lying down and sat up.

Rubbing his head with his uncasted hand, Ezra blinked away the floaters he got from the head rush of sitting up for the first time in over two weeks.

Ezra snapped his fingers in front of Kanan's face when his Master kept staring off into space.

Kanan shook his head to clear it. Eyes widening when he saw Ezra was upright instead of lying down and sleeping like Hera instructed.

"Ezra! You should be asleep!" Kanan started to gently push Ezra back down, "After what you went through, you must be tired."

"Yeah, let's never do that again." Ezra said as he finally gave into Kanan and laid down.

"Really, cause I thought it was fun. We should do it again next week." Kanan rolled his eyes as sarcasm colored his tone.

"Ooh, sarcastic Kanan. When did this happen?" Ezra looked around at his fake audience as if looking for someone with the answer.

Kanan chuckled before ruffling Ezra's hair while standing, "Night kid."

"Where are you going?" Ezra asked, fear slipping into his voice without Kanan noticing.

"You weren't the only Hera threatened when it came to sleep." Kanan said with a small smile. "I'm gonna try to get some sleep for an hour or two. Just use your comm if you need anything." Kanan nodded to the small nightstand next to Ezra's temporary bed that held his comm.

"W-wait, Kanan." Ezra outstretched his hand towards his Master who was at the door.

"Yeah kid?" Concern evident on his face at Ezra's sudden mood change.

Ezra gaped for a moment, opening and closing his mouth repeatedly, forming words but not quite able to say them. He drops his hand onto the bed with a soft thud. "Never mind..."

Kanan stands their a moment longer before moving over to his Padawan and taking his seat once more, "What's wrong?"

Ezra looked up at Kanan, blue eyes wide and uncertain, before finally whispering, "Please don't go."

Kanan looked at his Padawan in suprised. Typically Ezra was so independent, was it possible this whole ordeal had shaken him up more than he let on?

Kanan concluded that yes, it in fact had. As if to prove his point, Ezra whimpered, "I-I'm scared." Head lowered in shame, tears begin to roll down Ezra's face.

Kanan sits stunned for a moment, Ezra never cries. At least not infront of anyone. "Hey..., what's wrong?" Kanan placed a hand on Ezra's shoulder, speaking softly.

Ezra rubs at his nose, not looking up, "I-I know it's stupid, and that... that I shouldn't be scared... But I can't help but think about what happened and what if..." Ezra trailed of as a chocked sob escaped his throat.

Kanan voiced his assumption, "What if, you don't wake up again...? What if it happens again?"

Ezra only nodded.

"Ezra," Kanan lifted Ezra's chin, "I promise you, I won't let that happen again."

Ezra looked up at his mentor, complete trust shining in his eyes for the first time since the crew found him.

With a curt nod, Ezra laid back down and closed his eyes, "Okay, goodnight Kanan."

Kanan gave an eye roll at Ezra's almost bipolar behavior before he turned and gave Ezra, who was already asleep, a caring smile before he left.

"Goodnight, Padawan."

As he left, Kanan also missed the smile on the boys face.


It happened when he was asleep.

In his defense, everyone else was asleep too. He even had direct orders from Hera to get some sleep.

So really, it wasn't his fault.

But looking down on his Padawan, drenched in sweat, his face convulsed in pain, and he couldn't help but feel guilty for not being there.

"What happened?!" Was the first thing out of Kanan's mouth as he ran into the Medbay.

"His vitals spiked." Sabine answered shortly.

"And before you ask, no. We don't know why." Zeb said, moving to hand Hera a tool.

"Actually... I think I know now." Hera stated, not looking up to the others and answering without prompting, "Remember that wound I told you we'd have to watch?"

"Yeah..." Kanan drawled slowly, "What does that have to do with this?"

"I think he's been poisoned." Hera frankly deducted.

Kanan's eyes widened drastically as he closed the space between him and his Padawan.

Hera turned to Sabine and Zeb, "You two, find the nearest town and look for a medic shop." Turning, Hera grabbed a datapad and scribbled something down, "Show them this and they should get you what we need."

"What is it?" Sabine questions as Zeb takes the datapad.

"A formula that's crucial for the elixir, the anitidote, to this type of poison." Hera states before musing to herself, "It's strange, typically this type of poison isn't found on Lothal. It's not native to the outer rim at all!"

"Back on topic," Kanan says, checking the nearby vitals of his Padawan, "If it's what I'm, and most likely Hera are, assuming it is it'll be vital that we get the antidote soon."

"Why?" Sabine asks wearily.

"It's killing him." Kanan states shortly. "So it's extremely time sensitive. Now go!"

As if to emphasize the point, Ezra groan and shifted slightly only to cry out in pain.

Zeb nodded, pulling Sabine out of the room with him.

Kanan pulled up a chair next to Ezra's bedside as Hera hustled around trying to make the boy more comfortable.

"Oh Ezra, what have you gotten into this time?"


Sorry it's short, rushed and crappy! I wanted to give you guys an update! I'll try to update soon!


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