Back to Lothal (Day Four)

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Okay so hopefully the OC's will become less important during or after this chapter. I hope. I think...



Kanan and Ezra were in the process of freeing the captives while Blue was instructed to wait outside for the rebellion to show up.

One of the younger girls, a blonde girl in a dirt-covered white dress, was on Ezra's back and refusing to let go.

Kanan and Ezra (Ezra with one arm) unchained the crew, the Iron Squadron, and the captives; arming them as they went.

"Kanan," Hera spoke as she walked up to them, placing a hand on both of their shoulders, "Thank you, but what happened to Master Kenobi?"

Ezra was the one who answered, "We were told not to go after him."

"Told? By who?" Hera asked, only to get cut off by the sound of an explosion.

"The Empire!" A previous captive shrieked.

Ezra and Kanan ignite their lightsabers, and the little girl slides off of Ezra's back. Hera ushered her to the other captive, the majority with blasters in the hands.

"You ready?" Kanan asks Ezra, without turning toward him.

"Yup," Ezra said, already in defensive position.

Soth steps out of the shadows, his men surrounding him.

"Surrender now, Bridger, and I might consider sparing some of your friends."

Ezra's anger spiked, and Kanan spoke his name consolingly.

Ezra discharged his lightsaber, stepping toward Soth, "Let them go, Soth. They're innocent. You can have me."

"Ezra, no." Kanan said, stepping forward in an attempt to stop his Padawan.

"I'll be compliant. Just let them go." Ezra promised.

Soth smirked, "Alright..." Soth looked toward his group before looking back at Ezra, "Come here."

Ezra walked forward, and Soth slapped him.

"Kneel," He ordered.

Ezra hesitantly did as instructed.

Soth kicked him down.

"Hey!" Kanan interjected, lightsaber raised and ready to strike.

Soth tutted, "I wouldn't if I were you."

He placed his blaster against Ezra's skull.

Even though Kanan couldn't see, he knew by his Padawan's and the crew's gasps that it wasn't good.

"Take position," Soth ordered and his gangsters-gone-Stormtroopers raised their blasters, "Ready-"

"Soth no!" Soth fired the blaster.

"Aim!" Soth shouted.

"Ezra!" Kanan yelped.

"Get down!" Sabine and Zeb shouted.


Soth's men began firing upon the crowd.

Kanan casually walked up to Soth, his lightsaber hissing as it deflected each shot.

He cut the blaster out of Soth hands as the rest of Soth's men began to run from the angered Jedi.

"You..." Kanan said, leaning close to Soth, "Will pay!"

He raised his lightsaber, "Kanan, no!"


To be continued...

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