A Galaxy Away (Epilogue)

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I don't even know anymore... here's the epilogue, I think...

I'm already over emotional and I just started writing.


2 weeks and a goldfish later...

"Come on, Kanan." Ezra shouted, tugging at his master's hand from his position in a wheelchair, "Go faster! I want off of this ship so I can walk!"

Kanan tutted, "Patience, Padawan." Then, with a smirk, "I highly doubt Hera will be letting you walk, either."

Ezra groaned, "Please no. Not the mother mode!"

Kanan laughed, but didn't say anything.

Sabine ran to them, "Hurry up! I have something to show Ezra."

Ezra slapped at Kanan's arm, "I told you we were going too slow."

"You want fast?" Kanan asked, smiling internally.

Kanan then ran with the force, pushing Ezra's wheelchair all the way to the Ghost before slowing.

Needless to say, Ezra screamed like a little girl the whole way. But when Kanan stopped he realized Ezra wasn't screaming, he was laughing.

"Let's-" Ezra let out a bark of laughter, "Let's do that again!"

Kanan chuckled, shaking his head no, "Not right now, young one."

"-Hey! I resent that-" Ezra cut in.

"Let's go see what Sabine was up to," Kanan said.

He then wheeled Ezra into the common room of the Ghost, where the rest of the Ghost crew, all of the Iron Squadron, and parts of Ezra's street family waited.

"Surprise!" They all cried, and Sabine pulled a tarp away, revealing the Ghost crew all together in the front with Zeb holding Ezra - who's lightsaber was ignited - in a headlock with Chopper's arms extended next to them, Sabine on the other side with the darksaber, and Kanan with his lightsaber ignited and normal eyes holding one hand with Hera. The Iron Squadron was painted off to the right, with a detailed picture of each member of Ezra's street family on the left.

"A memorial," Hera said when she saw Ezra's shocked gaze.

"Made by me, of course," Sabine said, smirking and lightly punching his shoulder.

Ezra smiled, his eyes watering slightly, "Thanks. Thank you. All of you."

Ezra attempted to stand, but fell back into his chair.

Kanan put a hand on Ezra's shoulder before offering him a hand up.

Ezra took it and stood with Kanan's support.

In the back of the painting, behind each face was the rebel's Phoenix in a rainbow.

They had never seen a better sight.


Ah I don't know how else to end it so there!

I'm so sad, this is my first completely completed story and I want to cry.

Oh well. On to the next story!

Let me know what you think, what I could change/do better, and any other random thoughts.

This is Notrandomatall, signing out!

Live long and love PINEAPPLES!!!XD

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