Awkward Conversation Part 1

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"So... How are we doing this?" Sabine asks, staring through the ramp and at the plains of Lothal before turning to the speeder.

"I don't care. You should probably drive or you'll be crushed by me." Zeb jokes lightly, only pulling a slight smile from Sabine.

"Okay," Sabine says, moving forwards to take a seat on the speeder, "Let's get this over with," She mumbles almost to quietly for Zeb to hear. 

"Do you have the credits?" Zeb asks.

Sabine's reply is her holding up the bag of credits before she starts the speeder.

"Hop on or you're walking."

Zeb doesn't need to be told twice. He barely sits down as Sabine launches them down the ramp and into Lothal.


Not five minutes have passed since Zeb and Sabine left to get the antidote and things are already going from bad to worse.

Ezra, who has been relatively silent up till this point, began screaming in pain. His voice hoarse as tears stream down his face.

"Hera, can't we do anything?" Kanan practically pleas.

Hera turns to him, sorrow in her eyes and concern clearly displayed on her face, "We can sedate him..."

Kanan wants to tell her to do it, but he knows he needs to ask, "But...?"

Hera turns to him, tears brimming in her eyes, "But if we do, there's a chance he won't wake back up."

Kanan's breath catches in his throat as he eyes his Padawan closely.

Hera purses her lips, waiting for his decision before voicing her own opinion.

After a tense minute, Kanan shakes his head once, "No. I promised him he'd wake back up. I'm not risking it... not even if it'll put him out of his misery." 

Hera let's out an inaudible sigh of relief.

As much as she doesn't want Ezra in pain, she wants him to live more.


Sabine and Zeb pull into a nearby town, barely parking the speeder before jumping off and rushing to the nearest medical store.

"What do you mean you don't have it?!" Sabine shouts at the clerk, outraged beyond belief.

"I-I'm sorry. We sold the last of our shipment to Imperials going off world." The store clerk says, hands raised above his head.

Sabine slams her hand on the counter before storming out of the store.

"Gee, what's her problem?" Zeb turns towards the back of the store where some trooper cadets lounge around as one collects different medicines.

"What did you say?" Zeb growled almost to low for anyone to hear.

Clearly not low enough seeing as everyone in the store (the clerk and cadets) turn and stare at him.

"What did you say?!" Zeb demands.

The cadet's eyes widen in fear before he straightens, forcing himself to look tough, "I said, what's her problem."

The kid points out the window to where Sabine is pacing before she presses her back against the wall and slides down.

If looks could kill, the cadet would be dead ten times over, "How dare you! You know nothing about her!"

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