chapter 5

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" who sent you!" Jungkook shouted for the 10th time that night, sending another blow to the man's face. The man grunted, his head lolling to one side as he spit out blood.

" Jungkook-ah calm down" of his men had stated, pulling Jungkook back to prevent him from hitting the man any further.

Jungkokk groaned in frustration as he slammed his fist against the wall, blood now seeping from them.

"Yugyeom" the man softly said, coughing as more blood came out of his mouth.

Jungkook chuckled as he shook his head, grabbing his jacket as he made his way out of the basement.

He grunted, throwing his jacket on his desk as he lowered his head. Jimin opened the door, frowning as he came inside.

" Yugyeom" Jungkook said, the male nodding as he left the office again.

Jungkook sat on his chair, looking over at the clock that already showed 2:45. He closed his eyes, ignoring the pain in his hands.

The door opened, but Jungkook kept his eyes close since he knew it was only Jimin.

The older frowned, taking out the first aid kit as he took Jungkook's had in his. He softly placed a the ice bag on his knuckles, wanting to reduces the swelling.

" so I'm guessing the date went well?" Jimin questioned, trying to take Jungkook's mind off things.

Jungkook hummed, smiling at the memory of how excited Taehyung sounded when he spoke about his family. It didn't bother him that he was forster kid, he was happy with his brother.

" did he tell you why he went on the date?" jimin questioned, putting more pressure on the younger's hand as he grunted, opening his eyes.

" he what's to take over Kim agencies" Jungkook responded, looking out his window at the pretty night sky, the billion of little stars lighting up the dark world.

Jimin hummed.

" i spoke to his brother, he said he's willing to let Taehyung marry you"

" Me or Min Jungkook?" Jungkook questioned, turning his head to look at Jimin.

" you, the real you" Jimin instantly replied, looking up to meet Jungkook's eyes.


" J-jeon Jungkook" Taehyung stuttered, holding his plusie against his chest.

" It's alright Taehyung - ah, he won't hurt you" Namjoon tried to comfort, seeing how scared his brother was.

" you said you enjoyed the time you spent with him"

" With Min Jungkook yeah" Taehyung tried to point out.

" would you have gone if you knew he was Jeon instead?" Namjoon questioned, trying to prove his point.

Taehyung lowered his head as he slowly shook it, now seeing what Namjoon was trying to tell him.

" he won't lay his hand on you Taehyung, you'll be protected at all cost " Namjoon reassured.

Taehyung frowned, but he trusted his brother.

"o-okay then" Taehyung finally agreed.

Namjoon smiled as he made his way out of Taehyung's room. He knew Jungkook wouldn't hurt his brother, yeah he might be a murderer in some aspects, but he was still a good guy.

Besides Namjoon wasn't one to judge, not when Kim agencies was just a front for his drug operation.

Taehyung was the one who didn't know about it, to protect him Ofcourse. He thought he was just taking over the modeling agency, which was true in some aspects.

" boss?" a male questioned, smiling once he saw Namjoon.

" yes Jin hyung?" Namjoon questioned, turning around to face the older.

" the deal has been sealed, they get married in two days" Jin informed, making his over to Namjoon.

"two days? that's fast" Namjoon sighed, snaking his hands around Jin's waist as he pulled the older closer to his body.

" Taehyung - ah will be fine" Jin reassured, smiling softly as he placed his arms around Namjoon's neck.

" i know, but he's still my little brother" Namjoon sighed, placing his head on Jin's shoulder.

The older sighed as he ran his fingers through his boyfriends hair, trying to calm him.

"he'll be alright" Jin reassured.

"he'll be alright"


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