chapter 21

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Taehyung turned his head to the side as he slowly opened his eyes, squinting them at the sunlight that shined through the white curtains

right, they stayed a hotel last night.

Taehyung lifted his body, but didn't really get far as Jungkook yanked him back, mumbling something to himself before planting a kiss on Taehyung's forehead.

The older was visible confused, as one, he thought that Jungkook would have been gone by now, and two, Jungkook just kissed his forehead.

"jungkook-ah?" Taehyung whispered, rubbing his eyes as he waited for the younger to wake up.

"Jungkook?" Taehyung yawned, resting his head on Jungkook's chest as he stared at the younger.

Jungkook groaned, turning his head to the side as he covered his eyes with his arm. After a moment he ran his hands down his face in annoyance.

"so tired" Jungkook mumbled to himself, looking up at the ceiling, but upon feeling the weight on his lower half the younger had looked down.

"goodmorning" Taehyung smiled, tilting his head a little as his bangs fell into his eyes.

"morning" Jungkook lazily smiled, tucking Taehyung's hair behind his ear.

"can we just lay like this?" Jungkook asked, Taehyung cutely nodding his head as he scooted upwards a bit more, resting his head on the younger's chest.

Taehyung started drawing on Jungkook's arm, tracing over his tattoo lines as he felt jungkook's fingers drag along his scull, gently massaging his head.

" shouldn't you be at work?" Taehyung softly asked, feeling bad for asking the younger to stay with him.

" i don't feel like getting up" Jungkook simply stated, Taehyung nodding his head as he went back to drawing invisible lines on the younger's arm.

After about 10 minutes housekeeping had knocked on the door, making the two boys break apart from their comfortable cuddle session.

Jungkook lazily made his way to the door as he rolled the cart full of breakfast inside, smiling softly at the old lady.

"ohh is that waffles" Taehyung beamed, crawling towards the end of the bed as he plopped down on his belly, humming softly to himself as he stuffed his face with it.

jungkook was glad to see that the older had returned to his normal self.

" try it" Taehyung beamed, holding a honey coated waffle up to Jungkook's lips. Jungkook smiled as he opened up his mouth, Taehyung carefully placing the waffle inside, giggling when some honey dripped down the side of the younger's mouth.

Jungkook smiled, chewing and swallowing it.

"is it good?" Taehyung asked, eyes big and round as he awaited an answer from the younger.

"It's delicious" Jungkook smiled, ruffling the olders hair as he giggled again, going back to eating the diffrent kind of foods.

Taehyung felt better, he felt like eating and that was always a good sign.

Jungkook sat down next to the older, deciding to eat the fruit bowl.

Taehyung would occasionally open his mouth, as Jungkook would roll his eyes before nonetheless putting a cut up fruit in his mouth, the older humming to himself in satisfaction.

"ahh" Taehyung smiled, looking up at Jungkook as opened his mouth, Jungkook putting a strawberry inside.

"hmm thank you" Taehyung smiled as he drank some of his water, looking up at the clock mourned against the wall.

Upon seeing the time Taehyung almost choked as he rolled of the bed, landing on his feet as he quickly rummaged through his bag

did he want to change infront of Jungkook? no

was he going to change infront of Jungkook anyway because he's going to be late?

yes, yes he is.

Taehyung had quickly pulled his hoodie over his head, revealing his golden tan skin as he quickly pulled a black shirt over himself to cover himself.

Taehyung was about to pull his pants down but looked up and made eye contact with Jungkook, the older blushing as Jungkook raised his brow.

"want me to turn around?" Jungkook asked, not wanting the older to be uncomfortable.

"yes please" Taehyung softly mumbled as Jungkook turned around.

Taehyung had, as quick as he could, pull down his pants and pulled his jeans over his ass.

"m'kay I'm done" the older quickly responded as he sprayed some perfume over him, grabbing his jacket and his brush.

He quickly brushed his hair, since Jungkook had played with it earlier it was easier to brush.

The older had quickly made his way into the bathroom where he had spent the next 10 minutes bruising his teeth and doing his skincare, also applying some makeup.

He only added a red lip tint and some gloss, paired with a light blush.

After the older was done he stuffed all his things in his bag, seeing Jungkook lay on his bed with his phone in his hand.

It was only 10:40, and the younger was just supposed to be at work at 12.

"m'kay I'm off to a shoot, I'll be home at 7" Taehyung stated, slipping on his shoes as he slung his bag over his shoulder.

"tell me when you get home" Jungkook said, sitting upright as he watched Taehyung take his phone from the nightstand.

"m'kay bye" The older smiled, placing a kiss to the younger's cheek before waving, making his way out the room and down the hallway.

Jungkook smiled at the little action before grabbing his phone and letting one of his men know to guard Taehyung.


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