chapter 32

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" good afternoon Mr Kim " the butler had greeted , opening up the door as Taehung slumped his body into the house .

" is kook home yet ? " Taehyung questioned , looking at the clock . It was already past 8 , so he didn't really think so

" yes , master got home a bit over 6 "

Taehyung nodded , suprised and made his way up the stairs , taking off his earings and his bracelets .

He peeked his head into Jungkooks bedroom - since they still had seperate one's- and saw that the younger male was asleep , book in his hand

Taehyung smiled , finding it so adorable and closed the door behind him , walking down the hall and into his own room .

He switched on the light , took of his shoes and walked over to his bed . He took of his phone , letting Namjoon know that he had gotten home saftely .

It had been a regular thing after he gotten kidnapped, but he didn't mind all that much .

He sighed , letting himself fall backwards onto the bed as he stared at the ceiling .

Jungkook and himself would be turning a year soon , and he's so proud of where they had gotten but he felt like they should have been a step ahead already

He ran his head down his face in an annoyed manner and decided to go downstairs to eat something before he passed out in his bed

He greeted the maids , heating up his food and went to sit at the table . He sat at the end of the table and stared out infront of him , sad once he saw that Jungkook's chair was empty

He had this nagging in his stomach all day , he felt uneasy and he didn't know why that was . Jungkook was right there , he was upstairs in his bedroom . He was sleeping soundly

The thing was ,Taehyung knew excatly why he was feeling this way . He knew why he didnt have an appetite at the moment , he knew why his stomach was in such a nagging state and he knew why he felt like crying .

He pushed his plate out infront of him and stared down at the reflection of the glass table

Gosh it felt like he would throw up any moment , that all the things that happened would come up and out his throat but he knew - he knew that that wouldnt make him feel better

He stood up , making his way up the stairs and turned left , into Jungkooks bedroom .

The sudden jank of the door had Jungkook raise his brow , but his eyes instantly soften once he saw it was just Taehyung .

At first , Jungkook didnt think anything off it , since Taehyung just randomly comes into his room and lays there

but then he sees the waterworks making their way down Taehyung's cheeks and then there's a hiccup followed by the most heart-breaking "kookie i'm scared " .

"c'mere " Jungkook opens his arms and Taehyung curls up in a little ball as Jungkook rubs at his back and whisper comforting things in his ears

Once Taehyung had calmed down , Jungkook lays them down more comfortable on the bed .

" do you want to tell me why you're scared ? did something happen ? " Jungkook asked concerned , holding Taehyung so tight it felt like the other would just pop any moment

" i just - i'm just " Taehyung didn't know how to go about this . He felt it was stupid now that he was here , crying over it

" can you switch off the lights ? " Taehyung asked softly . Jungkook nodded confused and tapped at the wall twice and suddenly they were in the dark.

" when i was 20 , i got my first apartment " Taehyung began , a hiccup leaving him .

He had never told anyone the story , but he geuss it was time

" and i fell in love for the first time " he added softly , grabbing onto Jungkooks hand for some support

" he was 24 , but the age gap didn't bother me that much . I was young and inlove . He seemed like the best thing "

" but he had this temper to him , not in a bad way , but he would just get really mad sometimes  and then break something small , like a glass or knock over a cup "

" but the more time we were together , the more his anger grew . He would get mad at little things like me leaving the closet doors open or when i didn't make dinner at 7 "

Jungkook hummed , his hand coming up run it through Taehyungs hair .

" when i turned 21 , Namjoon-ah threw this big party for me . I didn't like it cause i knew Hoon would get mad at the amount of people in the apartment "

" he got home late that night , i was aleady alseep and a little tipsy "

It was silent for a while after that ,but Jungkook didn't push him ,he waited until Taehyung contuined .

" he - he " Taehyung felt like throwing up , so thats excatly what he did . He stood up , made his way over to the bathroom and crouched at the toilet and started pucking .

Jungkook was right there , moving his hair out of his face and rubbing at his back .

He knew what it felt like to tell a story that absoultly made you sick to the stomach .

Taehyung started crying again , it all felt to much to handle . His throat was burning , his eyes were stinging and his heart felt heavy.

Jungkook pulled him up ,made him rinse out his mouth and then simply made him sleep .

There were no questions asked , no stupid questions like " are you okay " , he simply let Taehyung cry and then made him go to sleep .

(a/n )

a little peak into Taehyungs past

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