chapter 18

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Jungkook was making his way home, a pouting Taehyung next to him. Things were going great, but you know that's kinda boring.

Taehyung gasped, looking over at Jungkook. The boy seemed to not notice that literal bullets were flying into the side of the damn car.

"Yah! Jungkook " Taehyung shouted, a whimper leaving his lips as one of the bullets hit the glass, luckily not breaking it completly since it was bullet proof.

"aish why on my day off?" Jungkook groaned, annoyed as he pulled out a gun from underneath his seat.

"can you drive?" Jungkook asked, taking the back route to the company. It was more secluded, and had more open fields.

"yeah?" Taehyung asked perplexed.

"take the wheel" Jungkook smiled, Taehyung being taken aback as he climbed into the driver's seat, Jungkook getting in the back.

" uhh i think their going to overta- ack!" Taehyung shouted, a bullet digging into the window, scaring the living life out of him.

Taehyung turned right, tears pricking his eyes. This was way to much excitment for him.

" ah Taehyung-ah can you speed up?" Jungkook asked, aiming his gun.

" o-okay" Taehyung sniffed, speeding up as Jungkook shot his first bullet, it hitting the wheel if the car, making it spin and loose control.

"ahh jinja this was a damn new car" Jungkook groaned annoyed, fixing his hair as he got into the passenger seat.

" take a left" The younger instructed, oblivious to the way Taehyung was balling his eyes out.

They soon pulled up to the back of Jeon's corporations, Jungkook having a scowl on his face.

" my damn car" the younger mumbled, putting his gun in the back of his jeans.

"Taehyung-ah are you -" Jungkook's eyes went wide, as he saw tears trickle down the olders face.

"are you hurt?" the younger instantly asked, cupping Taehyung's cheeks as the older sniffed, shaking his head.

" that must have been really scary" Jungkook cooed, wiping away the olders tears.

" d-do you get shot at alot?" Taehyung sniffed, trying to lighten up at the mood.

jungkook smiled, finding the way the older tried to change the subject cute.

" happens like once every 2 months" Jungkook chuckled, removing his hands from Taehyung's cheeks.

"no need to cry, you did good" Jungkook praised, climbing out of  the car since he saw Jimin approaching him.

" are you hurt?" Jimin asked concerned, cupping the side of the younger's face as he scanned for any bruises.

"I'm fine hyu-"

"j-jungkook? the doors stuck" Taehyung softly called from within the car.

" ah that tends to happen alot" Jungkook stated as he walked over to the car door, opening it from the outside as he helped the older out of the car.

"thank you" Taehyung sniffed, softly holding onto the back of Jungkook's shirt since he was still shaken up from what happened.

" Jimin-ah can you prepare a hotel for us, ask one of the maids to prepare a bag for one night, i don't want somebody following us home" Jungkook instructed, not aware of the way Taehyung was holding onto his shirt.

"Sir Jeon, Sir Kim" the secretary greeted, confused as to why Taehyung was doing that.

" Ah Sir Kim is something wrong?" she asked, concern written all over her face.

Jungkook stopped walking, looking back as he saw the older holding on the back ot his jacket. He cooed, finding it cute.

"I'm okay" Taehyung bowed, letting go of Jungkook's jacket as he walked first into the elevator.

Taehyung walked in first into the younger's office, plopping down on the leather couch as he pulled the blanket over his body.

Jungkook sighed, not knowing how to deal with something like this.

" Taehyung - ah?" the younger asked, walking over to the older as he sat beside him, rubbing his leg softly.

"you're safe, no one can hurt you" Jungkook softly said, pulling down the blanket as he looked at the older.

Jungkook cooed, pulling the older onto his lap like when he was afraid of the thunder, as he softly rubbed his back, letting Taehyung cry.

"i-i was so scared" Taehyung choked out, fisting Jungkook's jacket in an attempt to keep the younger close to his body, something he used to do when ever he was scared.

Jungkook stayed silent, letting the older cry until he eventually passed out from all the crying, sleeping soundly on Jungkook's shoulder.

they were in a odd position, Taehyung straddling the younger, Jungkook was kinda not sitting right but he wasn't going to move and wake up the older.

"jungkook-ah the -" Jimin stopped speaking, seeing Taehyung ontop of the younger, straddling him.

Jungkook turned his head, giving Jimin a raised brow, the older cleared his throat

"uh your luggage" Jimin smiled, putting it on the ground as he closed the door behind him, letting out a deep breath.

Jungkook raised his brows, tilting his head at Jimin's weird behavior.

Taehyung whined in his sleep, lifting up his arms and lazily putting it around Jungkook's neck, snuggling into the younger's chest.

" what am i going to do with you" Jungkook mumbled, looking down at the boy in his arms.


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