Chapter 13

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Jungkook returned from his shower and somehow Taehyung was still on his bed, already in pajamas, his phone in one hand as he scrolled through his internet.

" what are you doing?" Jungkook questioned, his tone coming out more sternly that he had wanted to. Taehyung didn't seem to be bothered, and only spared the younger a side glance.


Taehyung thought as his eyes roamed Jungkook's body, the younger's back to him. He had the sudden urge to kiss all of them.

" It's raining tonight" Taehyung responded, lowering his phone to look at Jungkook as the younger pulled his shirt over his head.

He usually slept shirtless, but he didn't want the older staring at all his scars, he wasn't up for questions.

" and how is that my problem?"  Jungkook questioned, turning around and tying his necklace behind his neck, his hair falling into his eyes.

" well if it rains that'll equal thunder and that'll equal me sleeping with you" Taehyung smiled, turning on his side as his phone was charging.

" are you going to cry again?" Jungkook asked, a genuine question since he wanted to know how to calm the older down.

" yes I'm going to ball my eyes out but now i have my own personal cuddle bunny"

" i am not your cuddle bunny" Jungkook narrowed his eyes, pointing his index finger into Taehyung's directions.

" okay sorry big scary crime boss" Taehyung said, rolling his eyes at the younger.

Jungkook scoffed, making his way over to his side of the bed as he climbed under the covers.

" this is the last night you're sleeping in here" Jungkook stated, looking over at Taehyung, the older having his back to him.

Taehyung only hummed in response, typing away on his phone.

"brat" Jungkook mumbled under his breath as he reached for his remote, turning on the tv as a kdrama came on.

It was already 10, and he wondered if Taehyung had eaten dinner yet.

" have you eaten yet?"  Jungkook questioned, his eyes glued on the tv. He felt embarrassed, since he wasn't use to taking caring of a significant other.

" no, you haven't had dinner yet" Taehyung pointed out.

" you could have eaten Taehyung, no need to wait for me"  Jungkook furrowed his brows, pressing the black button under his nightstand.

a maid came inside, and was taken aback at the sight of Taehyung laying on the bed.

" Yes Master?" she questioned, blushing when Jungkook made eye contact with him.

"make Taehyung something to eat, I'm guessing the cook had already gone home"

" he had made dinner and stored it in the fridge, i can heat it up for Sir Kim?" she questioned, looking down at her shoes.

" that will be all thank you" Jungkook nodded his eyes, watching as she walked up. He flinched when Taehyung suddenly sat up right, slipping on his slippers and running out the door.

" ah maid Ryun?" Taehyung called out, smiling at the female.

"yes sir Kim?" she asked, looking back at the male with a tight lipped smile.

" make it two dinners, Jungkook didn't eat yet" he smiled, bowing as he made his way back to the younger's room.

He happily skipped inside, and stopped once he saw the younger's ring collection.

Taehyung was  a ring whore, and instantly made his way over, looking at all the diffrent silver and golds. He took the two prettiest and put it over his wedding band, loving the way the silver shined against the black.

Jungkook didn't seem to mind, and watched as Taehyung picked up diffrent rings and tried them on, extending his hand to look at it and then neatly placing it back where he had gotten it from.

Taehyung got startled once he heard a knock on the door, making Jungkook chuckle at how jumpy the older was.

Jungkook opened the door as the maid rolled in a trolley, two plates of food on it.

" i said one?" Jungkook questioned, looking up at the maid with a raised brow.

" i asked for two" Taehyung stated as he thanked her, closing the door behind her.

" but i -"

" you didn't eat yet, now stop being so damn stubborn" Taehyung scolded, pushing the younger back on the bed before shoving a plate in his hand.

i have my work cut out for me

Jungkook thought as he aggressively stuck his fork inside his salad, shoving it inside his mouth.


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