chapter 10

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Taehyung arrived at the venue and he was shaking due to his nervousness. He was standing infront of his mirror, his hands fixing some loose strands of hair.

"hyung stop touching your hair" Felix scolded, standing up from his chair as he fixed the olders hair for him.

"I'm sorry I'm just freaking out" Taehyung apologized, going back to pacing back and forth in his dressing room.

"It's time" namjoon smiled as he poked his head inside, smiling softly at Taehyung. The younger looked up with big eyes, internally freaking out.

There weren't alot of people, just Namjoon and Jin, Felix, alot of maids and butlers, Jimin and Jungkook.

"here" Jin smiled as he handed the younger his bouquet of flowers, slightly pushing him into Namjoon's arms.

Namjoon smiled as he held out of his arm, Taehyung letting out a breath as he softly gripped onto it, holding his bouquet of flowers tightly in the other.

Music started playing and Namjoon escorted the younger down the white carpet, white and red pedals showered everywhere.

Jin and Felix was smiling softly at Taehyung, while jimin was standing next to Jungkook.

The younger had on an all black suit, the one side of his hair slicked back while the other side framed his face. He had on a dangling earing, and it softly swayed with the gently breeze.

Soon enough Taehyung was right infront of Jungkook, and he handed his flowers over to Jin, his hands starting to sweat.

" today we have gathered here, for the marriage of Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung" the priest announced, giving Taehyung a reassuring smile.

" do you, Kim Taehyung, take Jungkook as you lawfully wedded husband?" the priest asked, fixing his glasses on his nose.

Taehyung took in a deep breath, his eyes fixed on his and Jungkook's intertwined hands.

" i do" he softly replied.

" do you, Jeon Jungkook, take Taehyung as your lawfully wedded husband?"

" i do"  Jungkook replied, looking deep into Taehyung's eyes.

the priest looked at Taehyung and nodded his head.

" I , Kim Taehyung , take you , Jeon Jungkook , to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do  us part. " Taehyung smiled at Jungkook, taking out the ring and softly sliding it onto his finger

" I , Jeon Jungkook , take you , Kim Taehyung , to be my lawfully wedded husband , to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part " Jungkook smiled, sliding the ring onto Taehyung's finger.

"you  have declared your consent before us" the priest smiled.

" does anybody object?" the priest asked, Jungkook turning his head to look at, could you classify it as a crowd?, of people.

" then you may kiss your groom"

Taehyung looked up with innocent eyes, Jungkook pulling him closer by the waist and softly colliding their lips.

Taehyung pulled back and sneezed, since Jin had took it upon himself to shower daisies over them as they kissed, knowing damn well he was allergic to it.

Jungkook chuckled, finding the olders sneeze adorable.

" i now pronounce you as husbands"

Taehyung smiled, flinching when Jimin threw a hand full of pedals into his directions, but he nonetheless kept smiling.

" can you guys stop attacking my husband with the damn petals" Jungkook groaned, pushing Taehyung behind him and taking the basket from Jimin and Jin.

" oh Taehyung you need to throw the bouquet" Felix excitedly stated, Jimin and Jin gathering around behind him.The maids joined aswell.

" are you guys serious?" Taehyung asked, looking over his shoulder.

" just do it so i can get married already" Jin rolled his eyes, Namjoon choking on his drink.

" alright, 1... 2...3" Taehyung counted as he threw the bouquet into the air, loud squeals leaving from behind.

" aha take that bitches" Felix announced as he held the bouquet in his hand.

" you stole that from me i deserve that" jin faked cry, running into Namjoon's arms as the younger chuckled, patting his back.

" i would love to stay for my own cake but you know i have a shoot in like 30 minutes" Taehyung smiled as he waves goodbye to Jungkook, him and Felix quickly jogging up to their car.

"Changbin"  Jungkook called out, waving the younger over.

"yes boss?" changbin questioned, taking out his ear piece.

"follow that car, i want Taehyung protected and safe at all times" Jungkook instructed.

"yes boss" Changbin bowed as he made his way out the wedding area, climbing into his car and driving off after Taehyung.


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