chapter 16

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Both boys were dressed and ready, and Jungkook was waiting for Taehyung to come, since the male had gotten an 'important'  phone call and was standing a few meters away.

Jungkook was leaning against the car, leather jacket lazily draped over his shoulder as he stuck his hands in his jean pocket, looking down at his shoes.

Hearing footsteps approach him, he looked up, Taehyung approaching him with a crease between his brows.

Jungkook had wanted to reach out and make it smooth again, but instead he dug his hands further down in his pockets.

"okay we can go" Taehyung looked up, climbing into the passenger seat of the Mercedes.

Jungkook nodded his head, opening up his door and climbing inside, starting the ignition. He put his hand beside Taehyung's head as he reversed.

This wasn't something new, since Jungkook did it all the time, but for some reason Taehyung's belly began feeling funny, and he looked down.

I'm probably just hungry

the older shrugged, even though he knew he ate like 30 minutes ago.

Taehyung looked up, confused once he saw them turning into empty parking lot. They was supposed to go shopping.

" where are we?" Taehyung questioned, climbing out of the car and putting his sunglasses on.

" my mall" Jungkook shrugged, closing his door and giving the key to his bodyguard.

" you have a mall?" Taehyung questioned, smiling as one of Jungkook's men greeted him.

" and alot more things but yeah" Jungkook stated, walking inside and holding the door open for the older.

Taehyung nodded, looking around the place. It looked like a normall mall, just minus all the people.

"ah welcome Sir Jeon, didn't expect you to be back so soon" the female smiled, closing her book once she saw the two males walk inside.

Jungkook showed her a sweet smile, Taehyung just standing there as he looked around the interior of the place, wishing to just dissappear.

Jealously was never one of his strong suits, but what could he do when a female started flirting with his husband? Sure he and Jungkook was married but there wasn't any romantic feelings involved


" can i help your friend with anything?" shd questioned, and Taehyung tilted his head, keeping his scoff to himself.

" you're going to look around by yourself?" Jungkook questioned, turning his body to look at Taehyung.

Taehyung gave Jungkook  a  'are you fucking kidding me?'  look before smiling sweetly at the female and walking off.

Jungkook smirked, his eyes on Taehyung as the older disappeared into the store.

" cAn I hElP yOuR fRiEnD wItH aNyThInG" Taehyung mocked as he aggressively looked through the diffrent shirts.

"ohh this is nice" Taehyung smiled, holding the black button up infront of his body as he walked over to the full length mirror.

It was made of silk, and Taehyung thought he would look pretty in it so he put it on the table.

He added a few more, everything black, just in a diffrent font.

He walked past the skirt section, and came to an halt, eying the diffrent kind of skirts.

He bit down on his bottom lip, debating whether or not he should go take a look.

Upon hearing Jungkook's voice, he made his way over to the jewelry section, but decided not to get anything since he could always just steal his "friend's" ones.

The older made his way to the front of the store, a tight lip smile on his face as he put all his clothes on the counter.

" is that all?" Jungkook questioned, looking at all the things the older had gotten.

" you have more than one store right ?" Taehyung questioned, lifting his brow at the male.

" cash or card" she smiled, giving Taehyung a small smile.

" here" Jungkook stated as he handed over his card. Taehyung huffed, looking back at Jungkook.

" i can pay for my own things you know"

" stop being a damn brat Taehyung" Jungkook said sternly, giving the older a glare.

" come again" the female smiled, handing the bag over to Taehyung, the male smiling as he shoved the bag inside Jungkook's arms, making his way into a other store.

Jungkook followed right behind, watching as Taehyung greeted the male who was working this time.

He smiled, talking to the male a few times before the two males walked off into the store, leaving Jungkook behind.

" Yunho" the tall male had smiled, extending his hand .

" Taehyung" Taehyung smiled, lacing his hand with Yunho's as they made their way of the back of the store.

"  this would look so pretty on you" Yunho smiled, holding a white mini skirt infront of Taehyung. It was a  pleaded one aswell.

" really?" Taehyung questioned, taking the skirt and holding it infront of his body.

" i would recommend the black one though, it's more comfortable" Yunho smirked, giving the older a black one instead.

" plus it'll look really good against your tan skin, sir Jeon wouldn't be able to keep his hands off you" Yunho smiled, his eyes dissappear.

" hmm, you did say it was pretty comfortable" Taehyung giggled, smiling back at Yunho.

Yunho gasped, disappearing around the corner and returning back with some lace panties, two thongs and some lace brief boxers.

" we have a sale, not that it matters because you're litterly rich" Yunho giggled.

Taehyung's cheeks turned a crimson shade of red, but he nonetheless put it inside the bag, thanking Yunho as they made their way over to the cashier.

"is that all sir?" Yunho teased, neatly folding the underwear and putting it at the bottom of the bag.

Taehyung coughed in embarrassment, scratching his neck as he nodded his head .

Taehyung insisted on paying, not wanting Jungkook to know what was inside the bag.

Taehyung gasped, hitting Yunho on the shoulder once he saw the male had put two large condoms inside the bag aswell.

" what? do you need more?"  Yunho giggled, bending down and carefully slipping 3 more inside.

" bold of you to assume he's a large" Taehyung rolled his eyes, waving goodbye to Yunho.

Jungkook had been boiling with jealousy, but he kept it down. He knew that if he did anything his anger would get the best of him, and he really didn't want Taehyung to see that side of him



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