chapter 34

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Taehyung was sitting at the dinner table  with his  knees brought up his chest and his head loosely lolling on his kneecap . He was moving around his food , lifelessly staring at it

Jungkook was sitting across from him , newspaper in his one hand as his plate was pushed infront of him , already empty

The thing was , after Taehyungs little confession in the morning , Jungkook hadnt touch him , hadnt looked at him , hadnt even spoken to him

it's like he went completly mute

So they ate - atleast Jungkook did - in pure silence for the next 35 minutes.

Taehyungs food was cold , his stomach was empty but he just - he wasn't hungry . No matter how much he stared at the food he just couldn't bring himself to eat it .

" Taehyung "

Jungkook's stotic voice cut through the thick atmosphere and Taehyung's hand froze . He glanced up , seeing how Jungkook folded his newspaper and placed it on his lap .

Jungkook propped his elbows on the table , placing his head in his hands as he just stared at Taehyung .

He just - he just kept on staring . It's like he was searching for something he knew he wouldnt find but he still had hope

" why aren't you eating ? " the question came and Taehyung simply shurgged , looking down at the plate

" not hungry " he mumbled back and finally placed the fork down on the plate . He didn't make any effort to look up at Jungkook again , but he could feel the youngers eyes burning on his body

" did i do something wrong ? "  Taehyung questioned ,looking up at the male . His eyes seemed so sad , he even looked lifeless

" when i was eight my sister died " Jungkook smiled at him . It wasn't a smile of sadness it was  something more crazier .

" she was raped and killed "

Taehyung looked at him and all he could see was the haterd in Jungkook's eyes .

" when i was eight my mom died " he contuined  , tilting his head a little to the side

" her throat was slit "

" when -"

" when i was ten my dad died " Taehyung interuppted , his eyes holding no expression .

" he got stabbed while someone tried to steal his wallet "

" when i was 11 my mom died " he contuined , watching as Jungkook's expression morphed into something else

" she killed herself "

Jungkook's expression dropped

" when i was 13 i tried to kill myself " Taehyung contuined

" when i was 14 i tried to kill myself " Jungkook smiled , like he was glad they had something in commen , like he was glad that they could finally agree

" when i was 22 i got married " Jungkook sighed , sitting back in his chair and placing his newspaper on the table

" when i was 24 i got married " Taehyung replied back , looking at Jungkook with a smile

" i'm still 22 "

"i'm still 24 "

" and we're both pretty fucked up huh ? " Jungkook chuckled amused

" yeah , pretty much "  Taehyung shurgged , eyes falling on the newspaper . He had been staring at it the whole time , but why did it suddenly say 2007 ?

and then Taehyung broke out in a cold sweat , gasping for air as he looked around the dark room . He realized it had all just been a nightmare and that Jungkook was sleeping beside him soundlessly .

(a/n )
isnt this chapter creepy ? i like it , been watching too much true crime lately .

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