chapter 33

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Taehyung awoke the next morning , being craddled in Jungkooks arms . He felt so safe , so

so loved . But it felt wrong . It felt like he was uncapable of being loved . Jungkook already had so much on his plate and he didnt need the extra weight of Taehyungs past shadowing him down .

So he tried to get up and out of Jungkooks grasps but the other kept yanking him down . He held him even tighter than he had before and just - he doesnt know why - he just started kissing him.

Everywhere expect his lips . His forehead , his eyes , his nose , his cheeks , his chin , his jaw .

" jung - kook " Taehung giggled , it was ticklish . The way Jungkooks hands were so gentle but his kisses were so aggresive .

" okay okay i won't get up " Taehyung stated after a while and Jungkook finally stopped kissing him .

" you're stuck with me " Jungkook stated , swinging his leg over Taehyungs stomach and just holding him close to his body .

It was still pretty dark , and Taehyung took it upon himself to finish the story he had started last night

" can i - do you mind - " Taehyung felt like hitting himself on the head .

" you don't have to " Jungkook stated knowingly . He didnt want Taehyung to feel compell to tell him the rest of the story , he was fine with not knowing .

" that night " Taehyung began , gripping Jungkooks hand even tighter .

" he f- forced himself on me that night and after taking me , he said , something about making love i just "

Taehyung took a deep breath . He saw the images flash before his eyes and suddenly he didn't feel like talking anymore . But he knew he needed to get this out of the way

" it was my first time , and after that he just left . I geuss i was scared since that was our first time and i just i didnt want you to leave " Taehyung whispered out softly , so soft that it broke Jungkooks heart into so many tiny pieces .

" Taehyung "

" i know i know " Taehyung stated and shifted slightly causing Jungkook to hold onto him like his life depended on him.

"you're stuck with me " Jungkook repeated , thumb gliding over Taehyungs wedding band .

" i know " Taehyung repeated again , tears pooling in his eyes .

" and i won't let you go any time soon "

" are you holding me captive ? " Taehyung joked , wiping at his cheek .

" maybe "

Taehyung smiled , nodding his head as he snuggled into Jungkooks chest . He placed his cheek against Jungkook heart and rubbed it back and forth like a cat

" why do you do that ? " Jungkook found himself asking

" do what ? " Taehyung asked , blinking up confused

" rub your head like a little kitten would  "

" when i was 8 , 9 ? i lost my voice for a couple of months and when ever i wanted to tell Namjoon that i loved him i would rub my cheek over his heart , its a habit " Taehyung explained , while still rubbing his cheek over the youngers heart

" so you love me ? " Jungkook asked , hands stilling where he was rubbing at the olders back

Taehyung releazied what he said and panicked , looking up at Jungkook with big eyes

"wait - wait that wasn't - don't go " Taehyung blurted out , clutching Jungkooks hoodie . Tears formed and he let out a sigh , relieved that Jungkook had only pushed his head into his chest .

no mean words , no broken glass , no knocked over tables just a firm chest

not a word was spoken after that and they just laid in silence , Jungkooks steady heart calming Taehyung down

he was lucky , and he made sure to remind himself everyday


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