chapter 20

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Jungkook groaned, lifting his arm from the blanket as he felt around for Taehyung's phone, the olders alarm going off. It was 4:30, and Jungkook didn't feel like getting up, but he couldn't sleep in yet again.

every since had been sleeping with Taehyung, the maids had not waken him up, making him late. It was his own company, so he wasn't actaully late, but had a schedule.

Jungkook rubbed his eyes, trying to wake himself up more, he looked down, seeing Taehyung sleeping soundly.

Jungkook sat upright as he softly placed Taehyung's head on the pillow, but Taehyung's wasn't having any of it as he whined, placing his head on Jungkook's lap instead.

" Taehyung-ah, i need to get to work" Jungkook softly mumbled.

"can't you go later?" Taehyung softly asked, he hadn't really gotten much sleep last night, and when he finally felt sleepy, Jungkook needed to go to work.

" Taehyung-ah -"

"please, just an hour or two" Taehyung pleaded, looking up at Jungkook, he couldn't really see the younger, as it was way to dark, but he heard the younger sigh.

Jungkook lowered himself on the bed again, as Taehyung lifted his head from the younger's lap, waiting for Jungkook to get comfortable.

He buried his face in the crook of the younger's neck, as he felt Jungkook wrap his arms around his waist, pulling him closer.

"thank you" Taehyung softly whispered, hoping that Jungkook had heard him.

Jungkook hummed, his hands making their way inside Taehyung's hoodie, rubbing softly on his waist, he found out that Taehyung liked it.

Taehyung wanted to cry, he felt like a such a burden already and it was merely his 3rd day of being the younger's husband, but he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep if Jungkook didn't hold him.

He didn't want to be this selfish, he didn't want to feel like such a burden, but he just couldn't help it.

Taehyung softly gasped when he felt himself being pulled upwards, until he was ontop of Jungkook. Nonetheless he wrapped his arms around the younger's neck, Jungkook tilting his head to the side to give Taehyung more space to lay his head in.

The older did just that as he inhaled the younger's scent, finding deep comfort.

" did you get any sleep last night?" Jungkook questioned, his hands now rubbing at Taehyung's exposed back.

Taehyung shook his head, sighing softly once he felt Jungkook squeeze his hips.

He was already feeling sleepy, and all Jungkook did was hold him.

He soon felt himself drifting off to sleep, as little snores left his mouth, letting Jungkook know that the older was well asleep.

Jungkook smiled, planting a kiss to the side of Taehyung's head, his hands now rubbing at the olders exposed thighs.

He sighed, knowing that if he closed his eyes he would go back to sleep and since Taehyung didn't sleep at all the older would probaly wake up around 10 or 11.

Jungkook turned his head, reaching out for his phone.

hey, I'll check in at 12, Taehyung-ah is still pretty shaken up after yesterday

jimin hyung🙄💅

Jungkook didn't even check for an reply, he had merely sent the message and then placed his phone back on the nightstand, getting comfortable underneath Taehyung.

He wondered what the olders life was before he met him, sure he knew the older was an orphan, and he grew up with his brother, but he wanted to know his trauma, what made him sad and what made him angry.

He wanted to explore every scar the older had, he had already grew up seeing two people not love each other, so he wanted to love Taehyung.

and if that meant he needed to sleep in until 10 every day, he would do that.


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