the meeting Part 1

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[Are you sure you are gonna be okay]

"Yes aunt, you know I am not a little kid anymore, right?"

[I know but it still makes me uneasy. Be sure to call me when you get there]

"Yes aunt, you take care too"

[Look at you acting all grown up]

"Well I am a 25 years old man"

[You are still the same little kid to me]

"I really can't win with you"

[I did raise you]

"kay fine you win. now I need to go. I think I will probably arrive there around midnight. So, I will call you back in the morning"

[Okay take care and Alberu don't forget to call me from time to time]

"Okay aunt Tasha, I am hanging up now and don't overwork yourself and make sure to rest okay"

[yes mom]

with a quite giggle, Alberu put down his phone.

"let's get back on road shall we"

Alberu Crossman, 25 years old, a freelance photographer. that day he suddenly decided on a whim that he wanted to visit the country side and stay there for a while. This of course caused a chaos at home. After finally getting his aunt Tasha to agree, he finally set off on his journey in his car.

"Wow its already night. I think if I take that turn, I should see the village" Alberu pressed on the accelerator, turned up the volume of the music, and opened the car windows to let the night breeze hit his face.

'That's my turn' he hummed and as he steered his car, a view of the moonlit ocean greeted him. It was so mesmerizing that he didn't even realize that his eyes had strayed away from road. Alberu wanted to jump out of the car with his camera and capture this moment

'I will probably die if I did that now won't I'

Alberu thought to himself as he drove to the direction of the sea.

"Ahh this feels great" Alberu walked bare foot on the cold sand. He truly felt great.

Just when he took a few steps he came to a halt after noticing someone standing at the edge of sea shore where the water was barely touching the man's foot.

Maybe the man noticed Alberu, he turned towards him. Now Alberu was clearly able to see the man's face. He seemed young.

'Maybe 20?', he looked pale and under the moonlight, it looked like his skin was glowing almost as if he was a ghost. The man's red hair fluttered because of the wind, it truly looked ethereal. Before Alberu even realized it, he had taken his camera out and took a picture of the man standing in front of him.

"Did you just take a picture of me?" the red-haired man asked while he looked at Alberu's camera.

Alberu reflexively took a step back because he was startled by the man's sudden voice.

'So close'

"Yeah, sorry I will delete it. It's just that you looked really pretty"

After a long silence, Alberu's face became red from embarrassment at his own words.

'Why the fuck did I just say that. He is definitely creeped out now. Alberu, at that moment wanted to dig a hole in sand and bury himself there.


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