the meeting Part 3

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"Who are you?"

Alberu almost pressed the breaks to process what Cale had just asked but getting him the hospital took priority.

Reaching the hospital did not take much time. This was the only hospital in the village. He opened the door and carried the unconscious Cale in his arms. Just when he entered through the hospital door, a young nurse with black hair came running towards him shouting "Cale-nim!"

"He suddenly fell unconscious" Alberu explained everything that happened as they took Cale inside a hospital room in a stretcher.

"Thank you for bringing him here" the nurse bowed

"What's happening? Is he okay?"

"Well... I guess it's alright to tell you. Cale-nim has dementia."

'Dementia?? That would explain him not remembering me'

"But, why is he here then?? If we get him to a hospital in the city maybe... we could..."

""We are already way past that. Cale-nim's body has been like that ever since he was born so anymore medications than this would only make it worse"" the nurse shook his head.

"There should be something we can do"

"We have tried and these days Cale-nim himself refuses treatment."

"You should go rest too. I will let you know when he wakes up if you leave your contact info in the front desk. I am the nurse who is taking care of Cale-nim. My name is Choi Han" the nurse, Choi Han added as he bowed down and headed towards the room Cale was in.

Haaa. Alberu sighed internally as he opened the can of coffee he bought from the hospital vending machine.

"What is this. Why is this happening. Didn't we promise we would go to places you want to visit?"

'This is driving me crazy.'

Just like that, the night ended and the dawn broke.



After hearing his name being called out, Alberu woke up. He had spent the night in hospital waiting for Cale to wake up.

"Cale-nim has woken up. You can go meet him if you like.", Choi Han, Cale's nurse that he met yesterday came to inform him.

"So, how is he now?" Alberu asked while brushing his tired face with his hands.

"He is fine now. He is physically stable but mentally... well just be prepared."

"Yes, thank you for informing me Choi Han. I will go meet him."

"Please take care and thank you for what you did last night. I didn't know Cale-nim had such a wonderful friend."

'Friend huh'

''I will get going now, please call me if you need anything."

''Yes, I will do that. Thank you."

Alberu then walked towards Cale's room that was at the end of the hall way.

Haaah. Alberu took a deep breath.

'Why am I suddenly nervous?'

Alberu noticed his hands trembling as he opened the door.

'Calm down, it's alright.'

"Hey Cale, how are you feeling?"

"I am feeling alright but who might you be?"

"I am... uh... I am your friend. You don't remember me? Didn't we promise to go on a trip together?" Alberu was a nervous wreck inside but he tried to show a calm self as much as he could.
"Really? My friend?"

"Yup", Alberu showed his brightest smile to Cale.


"Hmmm?" the voice was so weak that Alberu had a hard time figuring out what Cale had just said.


"Cale calm down" Alberu could feel the anger and frustration in Cale's voice.

"You are all just bunch of liars." Cale sniffled and threw whatever he could grab at Alberu.

"Cale, I am sorry. I may have lied to you about being friends but the promise was true. Please Cale calm down" Alberu tried to block the things Cale threw with his hands while walking towards Cale.

"Don't. Come. Any. Closer. What the hell do you people want from me? Leave me alone. I don't want it. Why can't you just let me die?" Cale shouted as tears started dripping down his cheeks.

In the meantime Alberu had already gotten closer to Cale. He pulled the crying 20 years old who looked so frail in his embrace.

"It's alright I am here and I won't leave you. I swear." Alberu gently patted Cale's head. This was all he could do for him.

"LIARS." Cale's cry became louder and louder.

Alberu tightly embraced him without saying a single word.

By the time Cale stopped crying, he had fallen asleep. Alberu gently laid him on the bed and covered him with a blanket.

"I promise I will be here." Alberu whispered in Cale's ears as he gently stroked Cale's pale cheek and got up to let doctor know that Cale has finally fallen asleep. 

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