the parting Part 6

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[7:30 am]

Alberu woke up with a groan when the morning sun hit his face, he just laid in the couch of Cale's hospital room staring blankly at the ceiling. He had not been able to get much sleep for the past few days because he would always immediately wake up at the slightest sound Cale made. It had been few weeks ever since Alberu stopped going back to his motel room. He would only go there to get a change of clothes once in a while and would come back almost immediately. The reason for this, was, of course Cale. Cale had grown much weaker; he would eat less and less and doesn't have much energy to even hold longer conversations. Doctor Rosalyn even told Alberu to prepare himself anytime. Everyday Alberu would wake up and observe Cale, even the slightest movement from Cale made him sigh in relief. A relief that this was not the day.

'Ugh why does this have to happen. And why him' Alberu thought while brushing his face with his hands.

'If only... if only I could take away all your pain'

"What are you thinking so hard about, Hyung?"

Alberu turned towards the source of that weak voice he'd just heard. He saw a red-haired boy who looked much more fragile as if he would break from the slightest touch. It pained him so much to see Cale like this but he never let it show on his face. Alberu knew he had to be strong, not only for himself but for Cale as well.

"I was just thinking what we should do today"

Alberu got up from the couch, walked up to Cale and patted his head as he asked "Is there something you want to do today?"



"I... Hyung... I want to see the ocean"

Alberu, after a long pause, finally opened his mouth after looking at Cale's desperate yet hopeful face.

"Alright, let me ask the doctor first" Alberu stroked Cale's face which was much paler than the first time he saw it. The face that looked so beautiful while illuminated by the moonlight that night, now looked so lifeless.

"Do you... do you think she will let us go?"

"Of course. I will go ask her myself"

Cale looked a little relieved when he heard alberu's reassuring voice.

"Hyung, I think I will sleep some more... I suddenly feel ti ... tired"

Cale had been sleeping a lot more than he used to. He felt tired and drained easily. Alberu knew he didn't have much time left. He had known that for a while now. How could he not? When he spends almost all of his time with Cale. He'd been noticing even the smallest changes in Cale, that's why he knew that he can't keep denying this fact more than he already had. He had already prepared himself for anything. Or so he thought.

"Yeah, why don't you rest a bit. Doctor Rosalyn should be coming to check your stats as well"

"Will you still be here Hyung?"

"Of course, I am not going anywhere"

Alberu watched Cale fall asleep the moment he closed his eyes. Alberu sat on the chair next to Cale's bed and watched Cale sleep. Maybe it was the tiredness from not getting enough sleep, but before he knew it, Alberu had also fallen asleep besides Cale while he entwined his hands with Cale's.

After some time, quite murmurs and sound of people's footstep woke Alberu up.

"Good morning Alberu-nim"

Alberu raised this head towards the direction that the voice came from.

"Doctor Rosalyn? I am sorry I fell asleep and couldn't greet you" Alberu voice sounded a little husky from waking up so suddenly.

"No, no it's alright, I was done here anyways. You can rest. Cale seem to have fallen asleep too"

"He is sleeping quite a lot these days and I don't know if it's a good thing. Funny how the guy who used to have so much trouble falling asleep is now spending most of his time sleeping"

Doctor Rosalyn gave Alberu a pat in his shoulders

"We did all we could"
Alberu didn't respond. He just stood there with his head hung down

"Why don't you rest some more, I should get going too" Rosalyn added as she headed out of the room

"Doctor Rosalyn" Alberu called her out and rushed out of the room as well

"How can I help you Alberu-nim"

"I need to ask you something. Is now a good time?"

Rosalyn looked at her watch before responding with a "Sure"

"Will it be alright if I took Cale out today? Or maybe tomorrow?"


"Please I promise I will not leave his side and I will bring him back as soon as I can."

"Alberu-nim you have to understand my position as a doctor. And with Cale, it could be today or tomorrow or the day after. We can't risk it Alberu-nim please understand"

"I see. Thank you doctor" Alberu thanked Rosalyn with a sad voice and turned to go back to Cale's room.

"Please take care Alberu-nim" Rosalyn waved at Alberu as she also headed her own way.

'Ugh what am I going to say to Cale now? I couldn't even argue like last time because I knew I was asking for a lot and as a doctor, of course she can't approve of something like this'

So many thoughts filled Alberu's head as he stood in front of Cale's room

'It will be alright, for now just smile.' Alberu braced himself and opened the door only to be greeted by Cale who looked at him with a hopeful expression

"Did you just talk to the doctor? What did ... what did she say" Cale tried to get out of his bed to rush towards Alberu but his legs wobbled and he sat down

"Cale!" Alberu shouted and rushed to catch Cale

"What... What did she say Hyung?" Cale sounded so desperate that Alberu couldn't bring himself to say anything.

"Why do you want to see the ocean all of a sudden Cale?"

"I ... I suddenly had this urge to go see it. It felt like If I didn't go, I'd re... regret it"

Cale got up with Alberu's help and sat down on the bed.

Clutching Alberu's hand Cale asked him again in a desperate voice, "Will we be able to ... go... Hy... Hyung"

After opening and closing his mouth a few times, alberu finally managed to respond to Cale

"Yes, we'll go"


"Yes, I'll take you tonight."

"Thank you Hyung, thank you so much!"

'I am sorry doctor; I couldn't do as you said' Alberu clenched his fist because he felt so helpless. He couldn't bring himself to refuse Cale. 

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